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Everything posted by Scalescenes

  1. That's interesting! As with most of my kits, my Good Shed is a hybrid of several real life structures, so the chances of so many similar elements coming together in the one model are pretty slim. I guess at £36.99 vs £4.99, modellers can decide for themselves.... John
  2. Many thanks for all the great suggestions, it's an overwhelming response. I am endeavouring to collate all the suggestions in the thread to date and will post a list of the most popular kits in the next week or so. Hopefully this should summarise the suggestions and tidy up the thread a bit. Thanks for your patience.
  3. That looks brilliant! I have always fancied having a crack at a scrap yard and it is great to see that you really pushing this idea to another level! Really looking forward to following your build! FYI here are are a couple of other nice rust techniques of military modelling origin: Hairspray weathering (my attempt on South Oak Road) and another rather nice paint chipping technique that uses salt (Fichten foo - amazing website!)
  4. Looks like 'modern structures' are in demand, I have an office block, multi-storey car park, modern low relief warehouse and NSE signage all in my schedule for the next few months with a CLASP station structure to follow. Really like the stadium and workers club ideas. Many thanks for all the suggestions, keep them coming... Cheers John
  5. Putting the final touches on to the Narrowboat and Lock kit.

  6. is really enjoying building some dioramas for my Warley stand.

  7. Thanks everyone for the latest suggestions. After the epic design-a-thons of the High Street Shops and the Church this year, I plan to review all the kits I had planned for 2011. Slightly smaller individual buildings are going to get priority, which is good news for most of the great suggestions above. Unfortunately, in the current economic climate where sales can be a bit sluggish spending the best part of 3 months on one kit is not a very sensible strategy. My plan for the next couple of years is to aim for a new release every month! Once I get Warley out of the way, I'll plan out the releases for next year in more detail... keep the great suggestions coming! Many thanks
  8. is busy working on the Low Relief High Street

  9. Thanks again for all the great suggestions, keep them coming! I think that a CLASP style station building would make a great Scalescenes kit (I'd love one for my 70's layout too!). A definite addition to my 'to do list!'. In a similar vein I also like the idea of including 1960's 'panel style' modular school buildings with the brick build old school building kit that I have planned for next year. After a number of requests I have shuffled the Low relief terraced house backs up the list so that they should be out later this year. I'll also look into trying to incorporate some some backscene elements into this kit too. I know a lot of modellers are pretty keen for some billboards/advertising signs so I have included a sheet in my new Arched bridge kit (as well as my existing Bridge abutments kit). Included are a number of billboards and advertising signs that are suitable for eras ranging from pre-war to the present. In the coming months I'll also expand on this range to create a separate Billboard/advertising pack. Happy modelling! John
  10. Thanks everyone, some absolutely fantastic kit concepts here, keep them coming!!! I'll be working out my schedule for the next few months in the next week or so... A few initial thoughts on the suggestions so far: Directional road signs - would make a great 'type your own pack' I'll just need to look into the font licensing 1970 ('modern') and 1950s Semi-detached housing - both would make great kits, already high on my to do list! Farm buildings - already high on my to do list (hopefully later this year!) Pub - scheduled for the end of this year Multi storey car park and office tower - the office is hopefully one I can squeeze in this year too, the Multi storey car park should be a fairly easy spin off from the offices! Billboards - hoping to include a selection with my new Brick arched bridge kit (they'd look good mounted on the wing walls). In addition to the single version that was in Hornby mag recently it will also come with a double track arch version (should be out fairly soon) Interior detail pack - Hope to expand my current interior detail pack to include furniture (fridges, wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, sofas etc) I need these as well to detail the interiors on South Oak Road, so it will pop up sometime soon!! Modern low relief industrial buildings - already high on my to do list! Scottish tenement building - Could be the Scalescenes equivalent of the 'Blue pullman' but they are such beautiful buildings I'm very tempted... Thanks again for all the ideas, I'm not going to be twiddling my thumbs anytime soon! Keep them coming! Cheers John
  11. Nice work Bernard, yes I guess given their popularity making the fabric elements to fit Mk1 stock sounds like a good staring point. Many thanks to Bubbles2 for posting those images. As a graphic designer I have to say they really superb examples of 50's artwork. Like Bilteezi and older Superquick models it is amazing the level of detail they managed to achieve without the aid of desktop publishing, I've got it easy being able to zoom in 4000% when I'm creating my artwork! Does any one know of any good books or weblinks that deal with fabric patterns and colours? This one element really is looking a bit like a 'can of worms'. For the pre-70's seat colours maybe a range of generic 'best guess' patterns and colours might be the only option. The exact colours are going to be hard to source but one thing is clear from most of the pre-70's B&W coach interior images I have found so far is that the fabric that was used was anything but plain (as is often seen in many restored examples - though I guess you just have to upholster seats with what's available). Here are some of the images I've found so far (from my copy of the very entertaining 'Eagle New book of trains' published in 1963).
  12. Thanks for all the responses and suggestions. I'm not actually familiar with the Peco interior packs, I'll have to check them out. I definitely would like to include fabric patterning where applicable. I wasn't necessarily thinking of designing elements to fit a particular coaching stock but rather supplying a palette of elements, eg half a page of British Rail blue chequered pattern seat covers, half a page of wood panelling etc. Plenty of research ahead it would seem...
  13. I have been throwing a few ideas around for a coach detailing sheet that could be printed on to self adhesive paper. Some of the elements that could be included are seat fabrics, wood panelling, posters, curtains, newspapers and editable destination boards (and blinds for DMUs) (similar to my station sign packs). With coach lighting becoming more common, adding just a few simple elements like these would really pay dividends (I personally have rakes of both Mk3 and Mk1 stock crying out for something more than a single colour plastic insert). I will most probably produce two or three separate sheets to cater for different eras. Basically I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good source of information for interior coach details. Any ideas, suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated...
  14. I will order the sacrificial Mk2s from Hattons in the next couple of weeks or so (just bought a rake of Mk3s and a new Hornby HST, so I need to let my wallet recover a bit ) Besides I think I need a couple of weeks to psych myself into sawing up two really good coaches. I have to confess that this will be my first major attack on rolling stock with a razor saw and there is plenty of potential for things to go horribly wrong, especially as it could give my wife the impression that I have some sort of disorder that compels me to ritually destroy new purchases. Borrow away John E. I'd be very pleased to see another version. I'll post some progress shots on this thread as they come to hand...
  15. Thanks again for all the info. I have created a shortened version which I think looks much better.
  16. Thanks everyone for your comments. As with the MK1 BG should it be shorter than a standard Mk2? (As a side issue, does anyone know why exactly the Mk1 BGs were shorter? Was it just down to pre-BR design lineage?) I'm leaning towards the all blue version with either 'Newspapers' as shown or maybe 'Rail Express Parcels' branding. Any suggestions on the TOPS code/numbering I should apply? NLX? Any ideas for the left over bits? A Mk2 Exhibition coach or TCV Car carrying van perhaps... or maybe I'm about to have 'modellers licence' stamped void. Many thanks John
  17. Like a lot of modellers I have a bit of a thing for parcels rolling stock and with the drop in price of the Bachmann Mk2 (You can pick one up from Hattons for only £12) it has me seriously thinking about putting a couple of BSOs under the knife. I have been entertaining this idea for a couple of years now, could be a bit of fun without looking too 'out there'. I've roughly mocked these up in Photoshop. I'm curious if anyone knows if these were seriously considered...
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