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Everything posted by KNP

  1. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Well, we where about to head over and catch the railcar passing Middle Farm but we have just received a phone call to say a special is heading down the main line line so we will nip back over there to see what's going on. Well we are here but all seems a bit bit quiet? Well nothing much happening here or any sign of something happening so we will go back to the farm. Sorry about that, thought something unusual was happening but you never know......!
  2. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And to conclude todays series of pictures here we have a typical day at LM where a loco is shunted into position ready for a photo shoot.
  3. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I prefer the all in focus one to….
  4. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Another picture of 9319 but with a slight difference one is all in focus and last one has the background out of focus thereby concentrating on the loco I know which one I like......?
  5. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Welcome. Very kind of you to refer to my layout as an inspirational resource, means a lot. All my trackwork is Code 75 including the points. The points are modified to make them look better, well to my eyes that is, and rely on the SEEP PM 1 point motor to hold them in place which to date has worked very well. Back in Jan 2018 (published Sept) I wrote an article for the BRM on how I altered their appearance. Basically I rewired them, there are many articles on this so I copied them and they do seem to work much better on my DCC layout. The first thing I did was remove the sleeper ends marked B, then trimmed the rod marked A so it was not noticeable, then changed the point direction and trimmed the other end. Spring housing removed, infilled under the point with some black plastic (to stop the ballast falling through), filled with ballast ensuring clear of point operation and all given some weathering treatment. Top of original point Point with spring housing in place but trimming work done. Spring removed This has been working like this since late 2017 with no problems.
  6. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Thanks It is my intention, one day to fit glazing to quite a few locos where the glazing has been removed but at the moment it hasn't happen.....keep moving onto other projects. But I do agree that the supplied glazing looked like Mr Magoo glasses....
  7. KNP

    Little Muddle

    9319 2-6-0 Mogul arrives in town.
  8. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I suppose he was crowned a King even if it was only for a few months!
  9. KNP

    Little Muddle

    King Edward V111 about to pass....
  10. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And today you have another picture from the so called internet influencer. Here is one of my Panniers waiting for the signal to clear so they can proceed. Jimmy and the Porter are chatting about life generally now they are in the glare of the internet! I suppose now if I post this you will all rush out and buy another Pannier? Well, you can't have to many Panniers can you????
  11. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Express passing pulled by Hardwick Grange. Nice class of loco.
  12. KNP

    Little Muddle

    More than odd….?
  13. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Also from Amazon site I got these two books secondhand. Bit late to the party as they where first published 20 odd years ago but they have a wealth of unusual pictures and information. Also a chapter on the weed killers….! Glad I tracked these down, should have got them years ago.
  14. KNP

    Little Muddle

    As a mess room and mobile workshop I acquired from flea bay this nice brake/third for the weed killing train. A few issues that needed fixing like drooping buffers ( must be the cold weather), broken steps, struts but otherwise a good buy Original condition Well it didn’t stay like that for long…. First pass today at weathering it (plus the two UD milk tank wagons as well) 30 minutes ago More distressing to go, need to throughly dry first. Can see what happens on the guards stick out when I scratched off some weathering with a cotton bud……. Mixture of dry brushing, thin washes and dabbing.
  15. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Back through the archives where we catch the tar wagon on its first outing..... Titan brought to a halt by the Doctors dog's. And the Colonel still fishing, still waiting for that first catch of the day. Another hectic day at LM.
  16. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Main transfers added to the two tanks. If you look very closely you will see the faint pencil dots/lines I do to help line up the 7 individual transfers that make up one side of the tank. Once dry time for weathering then add tensioning rods… Thanks to Graham T for supplying me the missing set of UD transfers
  17. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Through the station the freight train goes. Onwards to its destination... Bye for now.
  18. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I can confirm no writing on the handle…. Even I can’t be bothered to do that especially if I did it would be on the underside…….I expect?
  19. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Hang on here a minute.... Let's zoom in a bit! That umbrella 's still there. Strange Does anybody know whose it is?? It sort of appeared one day and to date never been claimed.....
  20. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Whilst standing at the edge of the potato field there appears to be some activity at the station.
  21. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And carrying on with the aerial view here is a slightly different angle of the previous picture. Taken by You know who....!
  22. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And a quick aerial view from you know who....
  23. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And the main line is here....
  24. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A gaggle of UD milk tank wagons, two 4 wheelers ready for transfers joined by their 6 wheel big brothers.
  25. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Milk wagon update. Both chassis finish with transfers. Tanks 5th coat of white grey as very poor coverage ability…..useful slot for employing a nail file to hold whilst painting. Just drying then fitting together, add main lettering and rods.
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