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scots region

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Posts posted by scots region

  1. From a distance, perhaps. I'm more concerned with the locomotive and tender colour. Truly awful and I think stripping and starting again is an absolute certainty now.


    Its an intriguing subject to debate, Locomotives spend their working lives, for the most part, in the elements and so are subject to the flying dirt and dust either kicked up by rain, or as general result of air disturbance, as well as the filth they produce themselves. So as a result no two machines will 'get dirty', as it were, in the same way, should not then, the same logic be applied to their liveries? should not all locomotives be individual machines, is not viarity at the heart of the hobby?


    Your Thoughts.  

  2. The lighting is all wrong for a real picture and those clouds.............................





    A little harsh, the chap hasn't even finished the scenery, note the heaped ballast, clearly a work in progress shot with some lacking photoshop skills to boot. Most likely a test run for wiring purposes. He needs to weather those telephone posts as well, far too plasticy. Its be a smasher once its done though.



    • Funny 1
  3. Good day, my good chaps. I require the assistance of our resident 'tonner experts', I am looking for regional information as to the allocations of 16 ton wagons in the Fife and border areas, 50s onwards. Where might I come across that information? 


    Yours in Good Faith


    ScR..... erm... witism!... bye.


    Edit: too cool to miss.




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  4. Just before I walk the dogs, I've been reading George R.R Martins 'Game of Thrones' series, you may be familiar with the current HBO tv series, basically its like Lord of the Rings, only longer and more beheadings. Theres certainly a lot of scope for the Railway modeller with G.O.T, for one thing it would be a lot easier to reinforce the Wall if there was a line to Winterfell. Another idea I've had is how the Railways in the USA would have fared in the film Red Dawn.   

  5. Not sure if anyone has covered this sorry if they have but I was surfing round on the net last night and came across the images for the red hall used for the Hogwarts express which got me thinking of a what if. With the internal wrangles going on with the LMS in the 1920s over the need for a new express locomotive and the operating departments getting the loan of a GWR castle is well documented, it’s also stated that the LMS asked the GWR to build them a batch or let them have the plans. What if the GWR had built them instead of the LMS building the Royal Scots class, picture a castle in full lined out LMS crimson with maybe the only external difference being a round topped dome and possible a Fowler or later a Stanier tender. Would make an interesting what if model. Steve


    LT, I've had a thread on this very matter.



  6. Quick 4000 class engineering question. In the Pentrax 'Big Boy' series, I recall a shot of a tire fitting in the shop at Cheyenne. The tire was heated with a gas ring and then hammered on to the wheel, in the film the wheel appeared smooth. So my question is, do 4000/38s have any from of split ring or riveting on the tires or is it a flat contraction fit? Are there any stories of tires slipping on 4000/38s




  7. AC77-101-Dora-2.jpg


    Sorry for the vast image, that just how the link works. Anyway this is an Accucraft Dora, from their US range. Its spartan look is no accident, its designed with future modelling in mind. What caught my eye was the internal gearing, it might be a basic locomotive, but its a really fascinating idea for design, I wonder what a 'internal Shay' would look like. If I can align the planets properly I may try to justify it as a 'birthday expenditure'. Some detailing ideas, Change the chimney for something more 'fashionably Stovepipe', swap the the couplers for either center buffers or choppers, de-American the smokebox door and build a british 'cab and bunker arrangement, oil boxes, lamp irons, jacks, sanders, other assorted paraphernalia whose names escape me. Paint it Prussian Blue or Apple Green and red up the coupling rods.




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  8. Hmm, one idea I have had of late is around Staniers proposed 4-6-4, basically take one BR 7MT 4-6-2, lose the trailing pony, add a four wheel bogie, plus two extra cylinders, increase the ash pan size, kylchap it. Then bake. I've been discussing with Dave Bar Elias, of the possibilities for an earlier British Rail.


    Yours... oh flash of inspiration: Take the above and give it to Chapelon, then watch closely.




    I agree with you Tony that, numbering only four examples, the A2/1 seems the least likely (bar the short lived Raven Pacifics) of all the LNER Pacifics to be made RTR. Yet if we can have the Duke of Gloucester which is in a class of one and significantly shorter lived in service (albeit preserved), we cannot in all good conscience say never to the orphans of the storm I suspect…!



    I think it's a rather convincing model myself. If I may add to Mick's excellent example on the previous page, here's my A2/1, also Duke of Rothesay.


    It was built using Graeme King's resin components, a Bachmann V2 body shell, a Bachmann B1 tender and a Bachmann A2 chassis albeit using the latest Bachmann V2 valve gear in place of the original set. One thing I think which is significantly noticeable about mine is the poor shape of the boiler which has resulted from the use of the Bachmann V2 boiler. Graeme King is currently working on a replacement resin body for the Bachmann V2 and I may yet be tempted to build a new A2/1 using that as a starting place instead.


    Different approaches to the same problem: if you want an A2/1, how do you build one?





    I agree with you Simon, being completely inexperienced in building anything larger that a 16 tonner, I wouldn't know what to advise, what exactly is the contention over the V2's boiler may I ask? Also welcome back to the site, how go things your end of the world?


    Yours, a friend


  10. A grand conversion and weathering you`ve done there Mozzer



    To answer Budgies question, my enormous ignorance on the internal workings of most diesel locomotives. What I was aim at was some form of 'Box-Locomotive', unmaned of course, you take the 08/9 chassis, wack in an electric motor, AC-DC... I could go for some AC-DC right now, weight it properly, then stick a box body on, in fact while you're at it, glue a panto on top as well. Then put it in a closed circuit marshalling yard with controls in the central office.


    Well this discussion has been fascinating but must dash, I do hope to maintain correspondence with your good selves, though I warn you the benefits of friendship with me are dubious at best.      

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