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Bon Accord

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Posts posted by Bon Accord

  1. Some wonderful models appearing on this thread, more please!



    Did Falcon take over the tools etc for the J37 from NB, or was that a new venture? I'm going to need a couple of them for my much postponed model of Johnshaven (on the Bervie branch) and would appreciate any thoughts on build experience.

  2. Eric,

    Wonderful shots of a wonderful layout. Particularly impressive is the WD 2-10-0, I can't recall seeing an 4mm version before - was that a Bachmann bash or a kit build?

    When I eventually pull my finger out, I too intend to have a Scottish ECML style layout, although most likely set somewhere between North Queensferry and Aberdeen. Due to a lack of space at the moment I'm having to content myself by collecting more and more appropriate locos, rolling stock and building/infrastructure kits, much to the disgust of 'her indoors'.

  3. Picture the following, a Japenese ship owned by the Yamashita Line is berthed alongside in Sydney. A British ship of the NZSCo berths nearby, and after some merriment ashore jolly jack thinks it would be a great wheeze to break out some black paint and then lower the jolly boat to alter the "YAMASHITA LINE" writing on the hull of the Japanese ship...



    • Like 15
  4. A couple here:






    (Incidentally, the second picture is at Hurlford, not Ayr. I took a picture of 92110 from about 10 feet to the left of that one on August 1 1965.)


    I'd never seen photographic evidence of 9F's in Scotland, and always assumed that they had made it up on here on a regular(ish) basis it'd be widely photographed.

    Many thanks again for that.

  5. Sorry got to go, nurse is here with my meds......

    P @ 36E


    I'm just about dying to pass comment on you receiving prescription medication from a (presumably female) nurse, after viewing a thread about beautiful women, however I doubt the forum grown ups would approve! :laugh: :sungum:

  6. So, absolutely nothing to do with her being a world class maker of cakes and pastries? :tender:


    I can assure you that any woman who can keep me in a steady supply of luxurious tabnabs to complement my thrice daily chai intake shall always have a special place in my heart!

    Of course the vibrant red hair, fine figure and pretty face are a consideration too!

    Tick all the boxes and I'll probably end up in a happy, if early(ier) grave! :sungum:

  7. If we're going to (rightly) mention the ever graceful Joanna Lumley, then we should also recognise the ever lovely Jenny Agutter and Jane Asher, both of whom were and indeed still are fine looking ladies.

    Regarding the latter, that scouse eejit must have been mad to throw it all away with her on the premise of a bit of slap and tickle with an equally 'out there' journalist - Miss Asher was and is, to me at least, a gift from heaven!


    (The boss was not in the vicinity when I posted this)

    • Like 1
  8. We just caught the end of Upstairs Downstairs last night on BBC1


    The evacuees arrived in a train of BR Mk1s!


    Why can't programme makers get these things right?


    Because like most of the public at large the program makers either aren't interested or can't be bothered in fully researching such things properly, or, more likely, the overwhelming majority of the public won't notice the difference and therefore don't care.


    "Is that an old train mum?"

    "Yeah Chantelle, it's a steam train, innit"

  9. RM,

    I too gave into temptation and purchased a Hornby B1 at Glasgow on Friday, like yourself it was Sir Harold Mitchell, appropriately of 65A! A quality model and I must say it really looks the part, especially the tender - more so than the already very good Bachmann example.

  10. On the subject of Warflats, the WW2 version is still kicking around and in use by the MOD. Now I can't recall if they're main line registered, but there are certainly a couple of dozen of them still in use and in pretty good condition in Marchwood - the last few I had occasion to look at a year or two ago still had 'LMS' worksplates affixed to them.

    • Like 1
  11. Mick,

    Just had a look at your photo of your B1 in the shed yard, but what caught my attention was the coaling plant behind it. Could I ask if it's a scratch build or from a kit, and do you have any more photos of it?

  12. Spare parts are one thing - cutting your own throat by providing people with upgrades to locos when you would rather sell them a new loco is I think something rather different from the manufacturer's viewpoint.


    Perhaps, but Vi-Trains seem to be making a fair go of it with their chassis upgrades for the Lima 37s, despite having their own model available.

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