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Blog Comments posted by ChrisR

  1. And very well done from me too. I hadn't noticed Jon's Deltics in pic 5 either!


    So our teas and coffee wasn't enough sustenance to get you through the day??


    The photographs certainly do PWBIAB and your modelling skills great credit - a lot of us wouldn't achieve half as much even with no time constraints. I agree with all that's been said above and hope that when you've had time to do the adjustments you propose, we can have a return visit?


    It was a pleasure having you exhibit and I'm glad you enjoyed it.



  2. Hi Pete,  Good to see you're posting again back here. Hope all is going as well as can be for your relocation!


    Haven't yet bumped up the BHMRC Exhibition but seeing it's only 82 (less a few now!) days, maybe I ought to! Looks like you've got a good following who'll be coming to the show. I'll have to give you more space!


    Look forward to actually seeing the results of your labours on how you achieve your platform faces (and the rest!).


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  3. Hi Pete,


    Missed a few of your blogs on PWBIAB and its development but found again! Impressed by your folding cassettes and they look to be a great space saver. A thought I had (and I guess you had but discarded) concerns the electrical connection across the halves of the cassette...


    Instead of having the rail soldered and therefore overhanging the end of each one, why not have a wire from one to the other? When folded down the excess could be fed into the space between the two halves. You'd also save the rails from tearing anything flimsy close by plus being broken themselves.


    Neat wiring on your other blog! I wish I could be as tidy on mine or the club's layouts!



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  4. Thanks for coming to the exhibition, Jon, I wish I had spent a bit more time in the Gym when I was actually free. While Broke Brick Mountain was being set up I realised they were rather closer to you than I had intended. Notwithstanding they were actually on a slight skew as well so they ended up even closer. [i need a new tape measure for next year??]


    When I was in the gym you certainly were busy listening and talking to people (I now know the reason...), and I'm glad you've been complimented on what you've done, I'm very impressed.


    Sorry to learn of the sore throat, hope it recedes soon. Look forward to seeing how you've improved the '47' in due course. Great to see the photo of Botleigh, one layout I seem not to have taken a photo of. Others I took will be posted on our exhibition entry soon, plus more on the club's site.



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  5. Hi Pete,


    I know this is now over 2 years old - but I have just come across it!


    Your comment above "...Despite putting a few photos and sketches along the front of my table (a ploy to keep small fingers at bay which seemed to work) I don't really think that most people realised that the layout had been flown in the day before, in two boxfiles...one for the scenic section and the other for the rolling stock - I think if I exhibited again, I would prepare a series of numbered photos showing the layout being unpacked and assembled. ..."

    is duly noted for when you bring PWIAB!


    Obviously we'll chat before but could help in the publicity for that exhibition and in the programme so that the punters appreciate what 's been done.


    Now it's back to the preps for This year's show!!



  6. ...and perhaps even the display the F.A.Cup scores as BHMRC always seems to have its exhibition on Cup Final day...not normally a problem for me as I support Stoke City but they actually made it to the Final last year so I am glad I wasn't exhibiting then...Man City beat them of course... :(



    Sorry we always seem to clash with another event some miles away. You were the first on my radar to be affected by it!!! As for displaying interactive scores, how's about also remote wiring to the rest room where others can 'enjoy' (if that is the right word?) what's going on? we'll have to limit the bandwidth to 2bytes per hour of course!!


    Sensibly though, am very impressed by the progress made so far. Maybe PWIASuitcase for 2013 is looking to be a possibility?


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