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2mmFS - circa 1980

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Show and tell…

Afternoon all,   Back last night from a wonderful day spent in Derby at the 2mmFS Diamond Jubilee event. Could only stay one day as had pre commitments back in London but am so glad I went. Great to see old faces, friends, meet new ones, chat 2mm stuff with people and of course have a curry and a few beers 😜   So the final post on the diorama takes us up to the completion and it was down to the wire…that means planting trees in the hotel room at Derby Conference Centre the night


bcnPete in General

More progress…

Evening all,   As the deadline approaches to the DJ 2mmFS weekend, I took the opportunity this weekend, aside from chores to make some more progress. First up the base was given a good coat of burnt umber acrylic paint to cover the white.     This was followed by a first coat of ballast to the track which had been first sprayed brown in the model shop spray booth. Also the balustrade etch was given a coat of Matt black spray.     After m


bcnPete in General

A little something for the weekend…

Afternoon all,   The blog title eludes to the inbound fast approaching, 2mmFS Diamond Jubilee event the weekend of 18/19th June in Derby - rescheduled from the original date due to COVID.   I shall be visiting as a punter but wanted to bring something to the occasion as per the last one, the Golden Jubilee which was held in Oxford and I flew back from Barcelona for it. At that one I showed a small scale model of my proposed Coombe Junction - Moorswater layout which signalled


bcnPete in General

CJM 2016 - resurrection...

A very good BH Monday afternoon to you all,   Yes, you did read that right...now that Kyle is near completition (bar some additions to the rolling stock) my thoughts turned to my next project. I had assumed I would drop straight into 7mm but perhaps I will hold off a little longer as there is unfinished business to attend to   Seeing Graham's recent terrific blog upload on Trevanion Dries and some very helpful conversations with Nigel Cliffe on DCC/sound also got me thinking...so armed with



you have been watching...

Good evening all,   Readers of a nervous disposition may wish to advert their eyes now...no rolling stock has been harmed in the coming update but layouts have been   Since the BH 2013 exhibition I have been relatively quiet on the forum for a number of reasons: post exhibition blues (is it just me?) stupid hours at work, general loss of interest in the hobby (could be the hot weather) and oh, planning an international family relocation from BCN to LDN...   In a previous post I had hinte



do not pass go...do not collect €200...

Update   Whilst there is a flurry of activity on Paddock Wood at present, this is a small update to show that work is continuing on CJ-M albeit at a slower pace.   The last entry which covered some of the recent detailing of the Moorswater buildings touched on some other works, namely the buildings to the adjacent area. This has changed of recent since becoming a cement terminal but research shows there were 4 small buildings, a mix of huts and a portakabin in this area. Using pics and drawi



dubya dubya dubya...

My fellow Americans   Whilst a little more detailing progress has taken place the last few days, I will wait until I return from the UK to add a blog entry to cover those.   Meanwhile, when I first found and joined the RMweb (circa 2009 I think) my very first entry to introduce myself and the layout gave a link to a freebie website that I had previously set up. As the addiction of RMweb gradually followed the website was neglected in favour of a RM layout thread which eventually became this



the sum of all the parts...

Good evening,   An update on progress of late. I have still trying to tackle some of those smallish bits and pieces I have been putting off but once I got stuck in I kind of enjoyed it. It began with completing the lining to the clay settling tanks in white plasticard and I can now think about how to best try and represent the clay...I'm currently thinking resin mixed with milk of magnesia   The last piece of roofing has been made and now covered in profiles sheeting in the same manner as d



up on the roof...

Update - Good evening,   Work has continued on the inset track area sanding, painting etc etc but to give myself a break from it I decided to start painting the roof of both dries buildings.   Working from a mix of photos of how they used to be late in the late 70's and also from now(ish) I have applied some base colour over the grey primer that was.   The paints are mostly acrylic from a wargamer shop near where I teach and a few railmatch acrylic. I must admit I am starting to prefer wor



on the verge...

Update - Those familiar with my efforts know that my blog entries usually fall into two categories: or   Unfortunately...this one is the latter...   Following progress with the base layer of the scenics last reported, I felt it was really time to tackle what I had been avoiding...that being get some trains running again in the dries area on the infilled track. This had worked fine prior to the card and filler and paint applications, so after much scraping, sanding and swearing the tracks



getting 'grassed up'...

Update   The Prisoner has ESCAPED   By popular request...or perhaps the last dose of comments I decided to remove the white balls. They have served their purpose but its fair to say they were stunting progress a tad.   So to help move things forward I have started the scenics. Beginning with sloshing around a bit of grey paint to see where the road is. Not the final surface or colour but it does help focus the mind and flush out the nasties. The next move was to slosh on some brown paint



it's been a while...

...since I last updated...   Despite having a very severe attack of 7mmitus this last month, I have not lost focus on trying to make some progress on CJM this year.   Various small things have been tackled...all of which individually I had been putting off, so I decided to bite the bullet and get stuck in with them.   1 - I have permanently glued the two main dries buildings in place Whilst it would have made far more sense to complete them, paint and weather etc, before attaching, I kno



between the track(s)...

Update - It's been a strange time of late...   The following tale of woe's hopefully describes what's been happening here in sunny economic disaster ridden Spain.   Having remade the mini sliding traverser beneath the dries covered area which serves as the loco release, this was wired with a very Heath Robinson kind of affair, which thankfully will be hidden from view and work then turned to redoing the inset track...again.   Having failed last time using a clay product I found in an art s



between the (planned) trees...

Update - Good afternoon,   With the 'Outlaws' safely dispatched during the middle of the week (after almost 2 weeks here ) it was time to do some modelling....a sort of reward for my tolerance if you will   The first task was to apply the first coat of Sculptamold to the ground contours. Lovely stuff to work with (as ever, thanks Julia for the tip ) and surprisingly not that messy either...the only downer is when I step back and look at it, I have a sudden craving to eat a bowl of porridge



front, back...and middle...

Update - Some more progress since restarting the layout again...   Firstly, the backscene has had a first coat of blue paint. I am going to keep it simple and use the same technique as my diorama by adding some foliage at the base and then a screen of trees in front of it along the length of the layout. It needs some sanding and smoothing where the joins are but I have run out of the paint so will redo next month. Perhaps some clouds added after but overall its a plain blue sky painted using W



I'd like to report a robbery...

The following is a transcript of a conversation I had last month with the Police. For simplicity I have translated it from Spanish to English…   Bcnpete: Good morning, I would like to report a robbery. Police: Good morning Sir – What exactly has been stolen? Bcnpete: A viaduct. Police: A viaduct Sir? Bcnpete: Yes…but not a complete one….only one bay of the viaduct. Police: One bay of a viaduct? I'm not sure I follow. Bcnpete: That’s right…but not a full size bay…a scale mod




Good afternoon,   me again...back to back posting   This posting is twofold really...   Firstly, my Dapol BR Blue bubble finally arrived today from Hattons...well 2 of them actually, due to a mix up between Hattons and myself. It will go straight back as I prefer to keep the money for the Blue Grey version...when you are ready DD..   I have been awaiting this model for some years now so I guess my part built worsley works 121 etch...will remain par built. It really is the one bit of ro



Taking the (idea from) Mickey...

Good morning,   Having submitted my entry for the 2011 diorama comp (just need to set up the summary topic) my thoughts now turn to the next few months of modelling.   Whilst I am obviously still keen to carry on with this layout, I have decided to spend between now and Christmas revisiting my 'Kyle in a Boxfile' layout. I never finished the station building and whilst at it a number of things need doing...and redoing, for example the backscene and bringing the layout up to scratch. I always



please don't take (a)fence...

Update - I have now installed the lineside fence om my diorama challenge layout - details can be found here.   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/37906-moorswater-viaduct-2fs/page__view__findpost__p__488597   From 2nd October I will be back to scribe on this blog...



let there be (swedish) light...

Update - Progress on my diorama competition entry dealing with lighting can be found at the following...   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/37906-moorswater-viaduct-2fs/page__pid__481127__st__250#entry481127




Update - Recent progress on my 2011 diorama entry can be found here...only 39 days left...   http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/37906-moorswater-viaduct-2fs/page__pid__470113__st__175&do=findComment&comment=470113



stone me...

Good evening,   Following a partial withdrawal from the modelling scene, tonight saw a return to it, with new found enthusiasm.   Whilst I am working on my 2011 diorama submission, I am using a separate topic to track it, however should you wish to see it, have a look at this   Pete



coombe junction - moorswater....get in...

Good afternoon,   After 2 months without blogging, although there has been progress, I thought I would try this as a mojo reboot:   moorswater viaduct 2FS   Not sure how its going to work yet, but I guess I will be tracking it in the layout topic with perhaps a few blog headlines   That's all folks...   Pete



coombe junction - moorswater - LACK of (or) inspiration?...

Update   Had an opportunity to do some modelling last night...but couldn't face it...need more time to think things through...things like whether to use easitrac or pcb for the new sidings...   So, during a trip to Ikea this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see a new entry in the LACK shelf family (really, I have no connections to Ikea)   As you may recall, I have an abundance of the 1100 x 260mm LACK shelves scattered at home and a few 1900 x 260mm too, and they make great layout



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