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Blog Comments posted by dna

  1. Hi Mikkel,


    A bit behid the times on my reply here - I've been away from RMweb for a bit and am just catching up with your posts. As I read through the comments here an idea formed so thought I'd suggest it. I'm glad you chose the gravity shunt option as this would be my preferred method too and I feel will look far more realistic, certainly in terms of the wagon initially moving off.


    So here is my idea to implement it: keep the permanent magnet mounted underneath the wagon. At the top of the headshunt install an electromagnet which you can switch on/off. This can be used to hold the wagon whilst the loco backs away. Then it is switched off and the wagon will roll into the siding.


    To brake the wagon, I first thought of having a series of permanent magnets within the shed but increasing in size towards the bufferstops to progressively retard the wagon as it enters, though all wagons may still stop in the same place. The variations you mention above should provide plenty of different stopping points though. Then I thought of having one or more electromagnets spaced along the length of the siding which you could control the strength of and therefore choose where to bring the wagon to a halt. There would be some skill in the operation of this to get the wagon where you want, but possibly similar to applying the wagon brakes manually in real life?


    I'd be interested to know how far you got with your experiments since the last posts


    Best wishes,


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