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Blog Entries posted by enginelane

  1. enginelane
    Not making much progress with Lay-out in the garage due to cold weather and ill health so having seen one of the fiddle yard boards from the now defunct US Monon layout Vimes Street decided to have a go at creating a small layout that could be set up quickly and inside the house.
    board measures 9 in by 48 in and will be connected to simple cassettes made for a past layout. 
    The time period selected uses some steam locos and early BR diesels i have in the collection and uses existing rolling stock. 
    simple plan

    A connects to lines on BR and served via cassettes
    B is the scenic board with a refuge siding and two storage sidings which serve industries off at D. The main industries is a small glass works and metal box company. As such represents industry around the Barnsley area which had small glassworks. The metal box factory was a former WW1 munitions site which converted into making many different decorative designs for biscuits, sweets etc. The refuge siding is used to store traffic for a small off site gas works. 
    C is the line continuing onto other off scene industries as well as other lines.
    exit off to A hidden by brick plinth bridge with plate girder sides. 
    exit to C via a short span bridge more of alley walkway rather than road bridge,
    small brick Signal box will be used that did not get on another layout. 
    back scene brick embankment with representation  of ends oh houses .
    idea is to use up as much as possible materials already in store and designed to get something running.
    points are to be operated by simple slide switch.

    wired up this morning and all lines worked!
    need to construct the two fiddle boards to hold the cassettes.
  2. enginelane
    Troutons is the new 4mm Modern image layout of the Wakefield Model Railway Society. It features a Heljan container crane, booking on point and scrap yard. The aim is to provide viewers with typical trains that would be seen passing through West Yorkshire. After the Wakefield show the team are now busily upgrading stock ready for the next exhibition. A log of progress can be found on the layout section of a RMweb.
    This blog is focused on detailing and weathering examples of the steel carrier wagons.
    The first entry is based around the Bachmann BZA steel carrier.
    The following images were taken of the main line running through Cardiff whilst visiting daughter at a University Feb 2013. There were a succession of heavy steel and coal trains running throughout the day, mainly EWS livery Class 66 haulage. These images show the variety of loading coils onto the wagons.
    The images will form the basis for the detailing and weathering.
    Not a lot of time this evening to carry out some modelling but did manage to apply base colour of dark rust shadow and dry brush with burnt rust, light shadow and oxidation system powder. All colours from the Life colour rust and dust set
    Bogie frames light coating of frame dirt with small amount of brake dust added
    Cradles have been added and additional eroded burnt rust added to centre wells to create impression of rust that collects there.
    Friday 24 th back on bogies and metal bands fitted around the coils. I think it sits well with an impression of weight. Next steps include adding representation of the securing pins of cradles to wagon bed, they look like they were yellow originally, washes of back and some more earth tones on bogies and some work on the bogies.
    Using a small punch bolt heads produced and in place ready for a dab of yellow
    More or less complete, needs to sit awhile
    26th Jan new project. OCA which will have a wire coil load.
    29th Jan this evening is an attempt to model an OCA loaded with rebar. Found some thin wire that has the look of rebar. Cannot remember where from.
    Using Northeastern lumber for the wooden batons that would keep the load from the floor.
    Completed load awaiting weathering
    Load weathered and light rust added to the wagon. Have some smaller off cuts that shape into angled rebar for another load.
    2nd Feb that time of year again and with a cold snap lungs starting to shut down again but means can get a few hours modelling so completed the last of the OCA steel carriers.
    Used up the last of the off cuts and made into angled rebar and decided that third OCA should be heavily weathered and so could be still in engineers service or pressed back into steel carriying
  3. enginelane
    At a Monday night meeting of the Wakefield Railway Modellers Society I gave a talk on turning dreams into reality. From the ideas gained at this meeting I intend to plan, construct and operate a HO scale layout based upon the Monon
    22/02/14 saw this paste table at local DIY store and have decided to use as the base for the Monon layout. It gives 200 cm by 56 cm of space so will have a go at converting it into the base for the new layout. The idea would be to replace the hardboard spacer pieces on the V legs with thin plywood and after removing the hardboard top fit stopper blocks and securing pegs to the legs. A shelf will be constructed across the bottom of the legs and used to mount the electrical supply.
  4. enginelane
    An occasional blog based upon freight cars that could be used on Menasha. There are currently two exhibitions left for the layout, Skipton Aug 2014 and Wakefield Nov 2014 There is an existing blog based around a WC Russell Plow
    First is based upon a Hubert Model Railroads model of a 52' 6" WC covered gondola.
    It appears the model's covered steel cover is not correct so as well as repaiinting the car a new covered top will be made.
    6th Feb Made a small progress so far with first two layers of the chipping and rusting being put in place to try and replicate the pattern as in the protype image.
    Completed a 40ft Kaolin funnel flow tank car. This is an old Walthers kit picked up unmade from the Pontefract Show and has been painted and weathered as if coming to end of life with former company having been taken over. Needs an overall weathering wash
    7th Feb next layers of rust shades and earth wash added
    Grey shade added to the bottom of the stanchions and base and secondary coats to the bogies
  5. enginelane
    Off work with chest infection, day time TV is terrible, never done a blog before so thought would give it a go. Working to convert a partially built Walthers Russell Plough to WC 301 that might end up having a few runs on WRMS Menasha layout which will be appearing at the Pontefract show 26/27th Jan 2013. This is one of the prototype photos being used.
    Starting point for the conversion
    Removal of all moulded on detail and detached side ploughs ready to be cut down

    Inserted packing pieces and channel to create lip. Added strengthening piece to rest of
    Side plough cut down and test fitted, angled piece added to bottom of plough. Door window blocked in and ready for filler
    Back at work today so little progress made, run out of small strip material and was easy to nip to Wakefield Model and Craft Centre but is closing down so will have to find a new source for those bits and pieces
    Added inset gas bottle cage to side and re modelled the cupola as per the image. Additional strapping added to Plow.
    Great day exhibiting at the Pontefract Show, thankfully for the show the snow is has melting so model Plow will not be running but if in or around Pontefract they could do with your support
    Good numbers at show today and met by the rest of the Menasha team that layout had won a trophy for best non British layout in show! Bought some horns and ordered freight steps for the plow
    Tuesday 29th Jan
    Mixed faded Wisconsin central maroon to cover the yellow of the kit. Colour is maroon with humrol flesh acrylic added. Has dried flat.
    Wed 30 th long day at work so unwound by making winter windows, gas bottles and painting gas bottle area. Cut slots under door sills.
    Friday 1st Feb steps and bits came in post from Model Junction so able to complete the shell and details ready for completing paint job then glazing of cab.
    Although faded colours prototype images. Indicate not a lot of rust or weathering
    Monday 4 th Feb final bits and pieces have arrived and can now finish details and complete paint job
  6. enginelane
    Never constructed a laser cut wooden kit before and the Vimes Street layout needed something a little more basic than the Bettys diner available from Walthers Cornerstone.
    Excellent instructions and there are a number of You Tube links to construction elsewhere which I have viewed. Looks like you can take this kit to a very high level of internal finish etc if you wanted.
    Instructions recommend that all wood is sprayed with a primer to stop warping in construction. Have used Halfords white acrylic spray can. All parts will need a very light sanding to remove the "grain" that has come up on some of the pieces.
    Also with the kit comes some artwork to make the diner less empty and since intended to on the "front" of the layout will need some internal work carrying out.
    Mid grey used to create the outside pavement and undercoat grey for a cheaper metallic finish. Back wall and side pieces just slotted in place
    20th July
    Just realised have "lost" an entire sheet of the peel and stick things! Not good!
    22nd July. Ride behind Big Jim on the Worth Valley Line yesterday and York to get in some supplies. Only one last place to look for the peel stick. I hope they did not blow away from the packet when I was priming the wood
    23rd July. Looks like the trim details are indeed gone so that is a bit of a blow but did purchase ivory and aluminium paint and added a first coat to sections this morning
    Decided to give a Monon feel by painting the signage in Monon Gold and Black. The ivory walls look a little more yellow than I thought but with the roof on takes the colour down a tone.
    Dry fitted front and roof with roof canopy, can see the sticker detail through the windows and doors. The seated workmen should be delivered tomorrow from Gaugemaster.
    24th July delivery made and seated workmen will work but lorry drivers all do look like they are posed as if they gave been on the beer. Some scalpel action maybe needed!
    27th July. Fitted front and canopy and test fitted a few figures. Seated workmen fine but will need to repaint into whites the guy in blue as the owner short order cook and by carefully pulling down arms of vest man he looks as if he is taking the order of a new customer. Not sure about the sticker for the range. With the counter in front of it makes the perspective of the cooker range look wrong to me. Might take out the counter unit in this position.
    Added peel and stick brick panels to front and side, signage
    I think the gold and black work and link it to the Monon but will require some selected weathering
    Glued in the kitchen staff and 3 customers with all cafe signage now in place.
    Sadly signage seems to have a problem!
    12th August. Totally cleaned out the garage when moving layout around and no sign of the missing peel and stick sheet so will have to think of ideas on how to complete the kit. Does look good when placed on the layout and more in keeping than the Betty's Diner.
    17th August Found! Cleaning out the last of the hedge clippings from the hedge up by the garage and there was the missing peel and stick sheet!
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