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Posts posted by MooUK

  1. As you might expect, I am no longer toothurty, but my mouth aches where the tooth was. Came out a lot more easily than the bottom one on t'other side did though - that was a ######, still partly in the gum, painful as anything, and had three roots pointing in different directions...

  2. How did you do that?


    Morning all. Looks very grey outside.


    I have decided I don't like half term holidays. It means there's no kids slowing my bus down, which means I can't chat with the cute chick at my bus stop.

  3. Mundane is the right word. Grey and fairly chilly (showing 2C right now).


    Mornin' all. I was somewhat looking forward to having today off work, but there you go. Friday'll work too.

  4. Evenin' all.


    Got a call at lunchtime - "Hello Moo, y'know you've got an appointment to have a tooth out tomorrow morning? Well, we're gonna have to cancel it."


    Helpful. I'd booked the whole day off work and arranged a bunch of other stuff in the afternoon.


    My day off is now Friday instead, and the other stuff has been rearranged to suit, but that was quite irritating.

  5. This is definitely not a lot Friday post.


    Looks like yet another beautiful day out here. Weather yesterday was perfect all day; my cousin's wedding couldn't have been on a better day! Good times were had and the bride and groom appeared to be very happy.


    Unfortunately I gained some short term mild food poisoning. No idea what from. And no, it wasn't the alcohol - barely had any!

  6. When I had to do that whilst living with my dad, I simply used a hose. Generally managed to avoid getting myself wet - can't say the same for my dad when he came out to check on me! :)

  7. Built my machine from parts, and bought windows 7 separately - so I have the install discs whatever happens. I probably should use a more robust backup method than I do, though...


    Today wasn't too bad at work. Forgot to take my lunch with me though, doh! No work tomorrow; going to my cousin's wedding which should be good fun. And my aunt is giving me a lift all the way home, so I don't have to worry about staying over anywhere else either! :)

  8. I've always felt that the sheer expense of it is the best reason to not smoke... ;)


    Morning all. Looks lovely and sunny here! Last day of work this week - going to a wedding tomorrow.

  9. I quite liked working 8am-8pm, when I was doing so before September. 8pm-8am wasn't so great but wasn't too bad.


    Two 12-hour day shifts followed by four 12-hour night shifts, however, was quite painful...

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