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Paul Boot

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Status Updates posted by Paul Boot

  1. Managed to retrieve p/w & recover account. Since last post - moved house & now getting new railway room together, in garage.  Baseboards built & at planning stage. Next stage - fix track, wire in control panel.


  2. Now fully retired - and looking forward to more leisure time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      You will miss Monday mornings and going back into "work" to recover from an arduous weekend!

    3. AndyB
    4. Paul Boot

      Paul Boot

      Leisure time ...... ! So far, had visit to hospital for minor op, 2 weeks recuperating and a weekend away. Haven't been near the shed since retiring - but managed to scratch build a small shop for the layout, using a modelling board made to fit on the office desk in small bedroom.

  3. Recuperating at home from brief spell in hospital, allowed me time to checkout RMWeb. Must make more time for the construction on layout....!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oggy1953


      probably affects the blood pressure

    3. Coldgunner


      Get well soon! At least recuperation means plenty of modelling time.

    4. Paul Boot

      Paul Boot

      Update - further stay in hospital, for surgery - decided to finally retire and concentrate on the more important things in life. Model railways, family, model railways, travel, model railways......!

  4. Back online today after long absence, due to work committments. Like the new layout.

  5. Back in the shed and continuing the carriage building.

  6. is packing a suitcase and heading for a beach in Greece. Not to mention the odd taverna or two....!

    1. Horsetan


      Are you offering the Greeks a bail-out?

    2. Paul Boot

      Paul Boot

      Don't think they will need it. Russia has invaded - well, at least in our hotel!

  7. Preparations for a club Open Day, Exhibition and MORE d-i-y seem to be holding me up. Then we have a holiday loomimg, don't seem to have time for modelling lately...!

  8. Would like to be in the shed - however, need to finish the 2010/11 tax year. Roll on next week!

    1. Paul Boot

      Paul Boot

      Finished two days earlier than planned. Back to shed for couple of hours work on those carriages.

  9. Spent a little time this evening, organising my photo albums.

  10. Continuing work on the carriage construction project - and had a grey day(!) spraying undercoat everywhere.

  11. Lateral thinking: Shed was definately too cold to work in during winter, so have built extension to desk in study. Space for more work files and of course a ready made workbench for those cold winter evenings.

  12. Busy planning this year's club exhibition. Looking for oo & O gauge layouts for Oct show in north Birmingham - Anyone interested?

    1. RedgateModels


      I'm busy in Oct this year, maybe next year?

    2. Paul Boot

      Paul Boot

      OK Redgate - I'll pencil you in then, for next year.

    3. 08221


      Hi, have sent you a PM.

  13. Profile looks a bit blank mate - need some pics & topics etc....!

  14. Interesting collection of pictures - lots of detail for the modeller. Anymore in your camera?

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