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George Woodcock

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Posts posted by George Woodcock

  1. Hello



                                 Oh, oh dear, oh dear :scared: :scared: :scared:





  2. Hello


       Looks more like I'm about to be executed but in reality I was just soldering a wire onto a point motor. Hopefully it will work OK, after all I've had enough practise over the years; someday I may get it right. glad you like the East Anglian concept , as I said in the previous post it is a little homage to a by-gone age which possibly never existed as we remember it anyway.





  3. Hello


         It is indeed blue Clive, as were all the boxes in this part of East Anglia at the time of my layout. The green boxes seem to have been more in the east of the area. I don't know why this should be, I merely copied the one in the place I based the layout on. The blue I used is an aircraft colour from Precision Paints which is a perfect match for the faded colour so common on these branch lines that were about to close in such numbers. I am always glad that as a teenager I travelled on so many of them. If any-one wants to see these lines for real I can heartily recommend  a series of DVDs published by TVP which feature so much of the demise of not only branchlines but also mainlines across East Anglia and Lincolnshire in the late 1960s and early 1970s.The two that formed the man part of my inspiration are 'Pick-up Freight' and  'Branch-line Journey' . The man who filmed most of the material on them was called George Pring who also wrote an extremely useful article on Middle Drove station for the GER Railway Society magazine in the early 1990s. Not only did I find the DVDs very useful but also they are a very moving testament of a long by-gone age.






  4. Hello


           Only two wires and a lot more to add yet. The grain store is based on the one at North Elmham which closed in 1989 and the one at Kennett which still exists today but is no longer rail connected. The majority is scratch built while the three large grain bins are from Walthers with scratchbuilt additions. The signal box is, as mentioned earlier,  an adapted Wills kit with all the interior detail fitted which sadly is not very visible but at least we know it is there. The buffer stops are from the wonderful range of buffer stops made by Dave Franks of Lanarkshire Models. The road and level  crossing are the only bits glued in place yet as they should survive us still tipping the layout upside down to complete the wiring. The station platforms are also complete though I still have a little more weathering to finish off and the platform shelters and a parcels hut also have to be added. As mentioned earlier we do have a blue Derby Lightweight; also a green one which will enable us to run in mixed livery rakes which were common in 1967. We also have a green Cl101 and a green Cravens Cl105. All of these units saw use in this area at the time.  The locos comprise two Hornby Brush type 2s in different versions of green livery as well as a Sulzer type 2 and an EE type3 which are also in green. I would like a blue EE type 2 and am keeping an eye out for one with the correct body type. The freight traffic will consist mainly of various types of box vans mainly from the Parkside range plus a few opens with grain traffic in the Bachmann blue hoppers and the new BR wagons when they arrive. There is also a parcels train featured which ran with a variety of vans from Kings Lynn to Peterborough. Hopefully next weekend we will fit the last two point motors and some other bits of electrical gubbins while I tiddle away during the week on various bits of scratchbuilding.






  5. Hello



          As an added attraction we would like to announce that the celebrated Richard Dockerill will be appearing to talk about and show some of his wonderful O Gauge diesels an rolling stock.





  6. Hello


                         I am watching this topic with renewed interest.






  7. Hello



          Thank-you very much for those plans. I do have the plans printed in Andrew Ingram;s book. 'Branch-lines Around Wisbech' and also from a copy of the GER Society magazine from the early 90s but yours shows the signals better. I hope you will come to see the layout sometime in the future when it is a show near to where you live. Again thanks for the interest.





  8. Hello


        The next layout is set in East Anglia in 1967 and is based on Middle Drove Station on the line from Kings Lynn to Wisbech.  As it is not exactly the same the layout is call ed Fenchurch St Peter and there is a thread in the layout topics section of this Forum. The layout debuts at next year's Glasgow show.. Andrew look forward to seeing you in the West Midlands soon.






  9. Hello


           Thanks to all the nice folks who came to see us at Glasgow, and for the kind comments on here. the layout seems to be well received wherever we go even though some people have problems with pronouncing the name. That is why there ia picture of a 'Toaster' on the name board to provide a clue. Next outing is to Sutton Coldfield in April so hope to see people there.





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  10. Hello



          Thank-you Pete, if only it was true. The raim clouds are gathering so it is obviously time to go and get  the van..






  11. Hello


        'Towcester' will tomorrow be making the long haul up the M6 to Glasgow so that Richard, John and I can entertain people north of the border. As usual we are looking forward very much to Model Rail Scotland.





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  12. Hello


           The signal box is now finished apart from weathering, the track is all painted and the back-scene boards, front fascias and the end board to the fiddle yard are now fitted. Also the first of three grain storage bins has been built. When we return from Glasgow we will hopefully get the points working and the power connections fitted to the back of the board so that we can make sure it all works OK before carrying on with the scenic work. Talking of Glasgow reminds me that I forgot to reply to Andy's query about shows. Up to yet it has eight bookings and debuts at Glasgow next year. Will post a few more photos the next time John comes over.





  13. Hello


         I hope they are an improvement on the Mermaid. Seems a shame when the Cambrian kit is so easy to build but then not every-one likes modelling do they.






  14. Hello



           Thanks for that Steve, just another of those many senior moments






  15. Hello



         Sadly Mr T is too busy at the moment Mike, I'm sure he will re-appear in the future. No problem Andy, we know who our friends are.






  16. Hello


            Here is the current line-up for this years little get together. Any additions will be posted as and when they are confirmed.





              Keith's Model RAilways                                    New and secondhand RTR models.

              H&A Models                                                     Kits and Bits inc Parkside and Cambian

              Shawplan                                                         Detailing parts, Lazerglaze, etched nameplates.

              Booklaw                                                           Err, books I suppose




             DEMU                                                              The society for D&E modelllers

             Robin Idle                                                         3 mm modelling

             Tim Horn                                                          Laser cut  buildings and baseboards

             Mick Bryan                                                       Anything that isn't yellow

             Paul Taylor & John Anderson                          Detailing RTR models




             Infirmary Road                                                 Nick Goward  OO                       1970s Derbyshire DCC

             Rosneath                                                         Pete Johnson  N                         1970s  West Highland Line branch

             Crossheath                                                      Steve Farmer  N                          1980s small terminus

             Cripple Sidings                                                Richard Coleman OO                  Small wagon repair depot

             Scoreby                                                           Jeff Taylor EM                             1970s North Yorkshire

             Welford Road                                                   Shaun Greet OO

             Oldshaw                                                          Alan Bevan EM                            1970s West Midlands

             Sefton Yard                                                      Kelvin Barnes O                          1960s Freight yard with a mix of early diesels.



               I hope this will be of interest to people we look forward to seeing you on the day. Admission is still £3 for adults, free for children. Refreshments available, car parking and wheelchair access. As in past shows this is as much a social event as an exhibition so you can chat to all the exhibitors and to each other.






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  17. Hello


       Me, fall out with any-one, God forbid. Old codger indeed, what will they say next. I think that the first appearance of Towcester in it's lengthened version will be at Nottingham next year. This is due mainly to building the new layout and also having a social life as well. But it will be done as it is nearly all scenic with ver little wiring and the addition of one extra signal. All good things are worth waiting for.






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  18. Hello


         I am now carrying building the signal box which is a Wills kit and perfect for the line as the kit is based on the one at Wisbech East. The only alteration for this one is to put brickwork in the right rear corner which supported the chimney. I am fitting out the interior at the moment which is fairly time consuming but worth it in the end. I have used the new Ration plastic interior kit which has replaced the old Wills white metal version. About time as the castings were well past their sell by date.  After this is done I will paint and weather the platforms and paint the track now that the power feed are all soldered in place. There are another three boards to build but these first two contain all the pointwork and most of the structures so by doing these first we shall break the back of the work. As for bookings Andy we have eight for it at the momen stretching up to 2019, the first one being Glasgow next February so we have a target to aim for. All I have to do is live long enough to do the shows.






  19. Hello


           Just a little reminder that the small but lovely 'Towcester' will be at Doncaster in just over a weeks time. See you there.






  20. Hello



                              I am watching this with interest.






  21. Hello


           A little update. While my colleague Mr Nobby is off sunning himself in the US of A over the Christmas period I have been busying myself, filling my empty days, by laying the track on the first two boards. All the point work is on these boards which makes life a bit easier. One of the reason for the change of name is that I put a rail served grain terminal into goods yard area. Middle Drove only had a single siding and a goods shed and I wanted to add something for operational interest both for the viewer but also the operators. The three main buildings for this are now complete but still have to be painted and weathered. They are based on a mix of the sites at North Elmham on the Dereham to Fakenham line which were demolished in 1990 and the still extant but no longer rail connected location at Kennett between Newmarket and Bury St Edmunds. These buildings have been scratch-built in low relief and will fit against the backscene. Also there will be three grain bins as well. These are Walthers kits which though American are identical to the ones scattered across East Anglia. I will provide a few pictures and a plan in a week or so when I return from my holiday in the sun.





  22. Hello


           I can now confirm that Wrec-rail will be held on June 6th 2015. Full details of layouts, trade etc will be announced ASAP. With the demise of RM Web live we shall have to step into the breach as a small, friendly event which is a little bit different. So come along, all are welcome, even you Clive. Your chair by the door awaits you.






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  23. Hello


        The first two base boards have now been built which will enable us to lay the track on them over the Christmas period. Also a start has been made on some of the buildings on the layout ready for installation at a later date. The other boards will be done in the new year when the master carpenter returns from his winter holiday.





  24. Hello



         Once again The Wrecking Crew are proud, nay astonished, to announce that we will be holding Wrec-rail 111 at St Nicholas Church Hall, Rectory Lane, Little Bowden, Mkt Harborough, Leics. LE16 8AS. For those of you who have been before this is the same the same venue as in past years. For those of you who haven't been before it is still the same venue as before. We will post further details of who will be appearing in due course. Remember that this is a slightly different event to the normal exhibition and is as much a social event as anything. Look forward to seeing you in June when I hope the weather is a bit warmer.






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  25. Hello


            Well done. Not only a great detective story but also an outstanding piece of English Literature. As far as I was concerned it was a no-brainer as a name for the layout. On the sketch of the fictitious area in the book the two locations are not very far apart. I hope the layout turns out as good.





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