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Blog Comments posted by EnglishElectricFan

  1. Hi all

    Just an update with some new photo's. Hope they give an idea of how I want the layout to appear as things slowly progress. Laying of track and wiring will start soon, as half of point motors have now arrived. I have opted for DCC Cobalt for ease of control from my controller. All trackwork will be SMP 00, with points from Scaleway.

    On the layout itself, I have completed the overbridge with decsending road (Metcalfe for the time being until I get around to having a scratchbuilt one hopefully) The Station Canopy has been completed with the rear support wall. Just need to paint the canopy.

    Lots of bits and bobs bought for future detailing, wagon loads, station and platform detail.Next task after track laying............the dreaded platform !

    Stay tuned



  2. I used to live in Dalmellington near Ayr and I loved nothing better than getting a Mancini's ice cream at Newton-on-Ayr, driving down to the Newton shore, and watching the goings-on at Falkland Yard. As an aside, my father was an NCB Dispatch Clerk at Waterside on the Ayr-Dalmellington branch and, in the 30 or so years he worked there, must have sent a good few thousand tons of coal down to Ayr Harbour! Look forward to seeing the progress on this layout!

    Hi blusparkdave

    I hope the layout manages to capture the feeling of the area.

  3. Hi Simon


    Good to see you back on here!  And nice to see a photo of Rockvilla, I sure miss that beastie!!!

    Hi Joe

    Thanks, hope your layout is progressing. Was good to see you at the Preston exhibition. Rockvilla will be going into storage for a little while as I need to make a start on Newton Harbour. I would post updates, but not sure on how to, other than on my blog.

    Nice to hear from you. I will try and upload some more pics from your old layout as soon as I can.

  4. Well after a long break since my last post, I have now started on Newton harbour again. I have decided to use DCC Concepts Cobalt point motors for my Pointwork, first box arrived (still more to buy !!).

    I have rearranged the track plan and now have decided to have the station at the rear of the layout against the dockside backscene. This is due to the layout only being narrow, and how stock arrives/departs from the fiddle yard.

    If anyone can give me any advice on how to start a thread for the layout, It would be most welcome, as I keep being asked to do a thread.

    On the stock side of things, I have decided to run two periods, as my other layout Rockvilla Goods is based in the 1979-1984 era.So Newton Harbour will be the same period for BR blue, and a 1990's era for BR sector liveries, allowing some BR blue within the period.


    Backscene looks quite good for Ayr/Ayrshire I think - and I live in the town :-)


    Have fun, if I wasn't modelling the early '60s I'd be doing this same era as you here.  Lotta love for the railfreight grey days.




    Hi Jamie,

    Looking at what railhead facilities there are/were around Ayr/Newton/Kilmarnock, it offers plenty of operating interest from coal,scrap metal and china clay as well as the usual Railfreight business. Newton Harbour will also be used as a run round facility for Falkland yard access, with occasional trip working by an 08 on wagons requiring attention, stored in a siding awaiting repair.

    Lots of modellers licence, when you throw the passenger services in!



  6. Hi Mikkel

    Yes, its the whisky..............the big blue stuff stops them falling over!


    The boards are already made from a previous layout which never got completed. The backscene is available as 'Brighton Docks' in the shops that stock it. I Know its not Brighton, I think its more like Falmouth, but it goes well as a Scottish harbour, well for my needs anyway.

     This time I'm making more of an effort. I do ok, until I tackle the electrics, then all hell breaks loose.........not a great sparky!!!..........I may take the boards for the track to be laid and wired by someone I know who will do a good job!

    I will try and post more pics as and when. All the track will be replaced with new SMP with Marcway points. For the moment I'm building/weathering the rolling stock and taking snaps as to what it may look like when progress is made.

    Thanks for the comments



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