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Note to self........



......laying gently curving track is a real pain in the....bottom!


Track laying has started at Ropley and the first issue to deal with was how to create the gentle curve of the prototype. I decided the best way to do this was to make up a guide which would be temporarily pinned into place and the track butted up against it before being fixed in place.




The first track to be laid was the point for the station loop. After giving some thought as to how to make the easitrac point base match the curve of the line, I ended up cutting the sleepers individually and gluing each one to the plan underneath. After the chairs for the point had been threaded onto the rail, sleepers were added then the whole lot glued in place along the guide.


I think it's worked reasonably well, the photos below do highlight every slight wobble though :blink:






The track is fixed in place with superglue run along the edges and the plastic used for easitrac seems be particularly susceptible to fogging, but since the track will be painted this isn't a problem.


Unfortunately this is as far as I'm going to get for a couple of weeks but hopefully more progress can be made at the start of April & when the jigs for the points arrive.


Cheers all.


Tom :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks both :)


The wobble is hardly noticable in the flesh, and probably less so once it's all been ballasted.



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  • RMweb Gold

If you look down real trackwork you can see wobble too if you look hard enough. I wonder if on such a gentle curve you have left the webs on the easitrac base and it is resisting the curve. Do you cut through one side?


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  • RMweb Gold

I wouldn't worry about it Tom - once the other rails and sleepers get threaded your mind will turn to the ballasting...looks fine to me.

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