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About this blog

This is a blog I am doing to show progress on my GWR exhibition layout

Entries in this blog

"Great westernisation" correct building colours

As my account name suggests I choose to model the great western (in wales to be precise) which is very difficult when you live in New Zealand. Before / during modelling Beeching End I did a lot of research on the GWR. I must say now that if it wasn't for websites like this one and other sites like GWR Modelling and youtube, I wouldn't have been able to learn even half as much as I know now about the GWR and things to look out for when modelling a gw branchline.   I very quickly picked up on th

Liam GWR

Liam GWR

more progress on Redfern

When building the hills on the Redfern extension I decided to experiment a little bit to see if I could find a cheaper method than just using plaster cloth due to the sudden rise in the price of plaster cloth (at least where I live). The first thing I tried was paper mache with plaster over the top. this method was, a. cheap and b. rock solid, but the problem I found was that there were areas where the plaster was either thin and weak or brittle and was starting to crack so the plaster and paper

Liam GWR

Liam GWR

Progress on Redfern

Baseboards, here are some early shots of the two module long Redfern extension onto Beeching End. As can be seen, there is an embankment for the railway and space for a river.

Liam GWR

Liam GWR

Beeching End station

Hi guys, here are some photo's of the layout so far, this station is called Beeching End (pun intended) and this is the first station on the line. The next station will be called 'Redfurn'. I am in the process of designing a track diagram for this station and purchasing timber to build the baseboards.

Liam GWR

Liam GWR

First entry

Hi guys, this will be the first entry in this blog to track the progress of an Exhibition layout that my mate Matthew and I have been building. The objective is to create a 3 station branch line. the first station is already completed and I shall upload photos of that over the next couple of days. I do also have a Facebok page where I upload frequent photos of the layout to.

Liam GWR

Liam GWR

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