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About this blog

This blog will document the construction of Ffarquhar, a layout that is based on the books of the Reverend Wilbert Awdry.

This is my first layout, so I have a lot to learn from more experienced people. Please comment if you see anything amiss, or if you have advice.

Entries in this blog

Brickwork Explanation

Hello, seeing as there are many brick tutorials with varying instructions I decided to test a few variations on the typical 'mortar wash'. I used two Wills SSMP226 Flemish Bond Brickwork sheets, along with a number of Liquitex acrylic paints.   A base coat of Burnt Sienna was applied to the left-hand sheet, while a coat of Raw Sienna was applied to the right-hand sheet. Both of these were then treated with burnt umber, which was dry-brushed in splotches to provide variation.
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