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Pacer progress...

James Hilton


Well it's been a few weeks now since I first posted my intentions to modify a Hornby Pacer up to more modern standards and after a stint on my rake of PNAs and some structures for Paxton Road a parcel arrived from Mainly Trains...


Handrail wire and short handrail knobs! Just what I had been waiting for - and an excuse to get the Pacer back out.

I've removed all the plastic handrails and replaced with wire on one unit so far, it really does lift the model. I've also tidied up the doors with a knife and file to better represent the later two piece doors.


Those that are following the 2010 challenge forum may have spotted my entry (or eminent entry). Rose Hill! What might come as more of a surprise is my choice of gauge - P4!!


Yes P4 - I might be mad but I'll be converting this Pacer to be the sole item of stock on Rose Hill. So where a basic upgrade and repaint may have originally sufficed I feel I need to raise the game a little now.

Ultrascale make a conversion kit for the wheel set and so I set to work with the rest of the chassis. I've removed the original front apron, and sanded down the original axle pedalstals to be flat. I've crafted up a front apron from plasticard which has worked well - it now needs the steps adding.


The new front apron, modelled from prototype photos. Also note the new handrails, including additional driver ones on the door, along with a new lamp iron. The glazing is temporarily fitted to check it still fitted without modification.



I've also added the modified squarerer pedalstals by adding plasticard to these carefully. These might need a little more work to make them slightly deeper and it looks like the prototype has a lip along the bottom edge I will try and craft from either thin plastic or some etched stainless steel off-cuts.


A comparison shot of the original chassis at the bottom still to be worked on, and the modified chassis above.



Next up is working out what to do with the exhaust on the inner ends, crafting the radio pod for the roof and deciding if the plastic block that holds the weight can be modified at all whilst still allowing some hidden weight!


Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Nice job on the new front, I keep debating on how I am going to tackle it on my 80s 'Skipper', the horngrill makes me want to etch it, but the fact that id prefer to get the unit finished makes me think plastic.....


With the weight box, I'd say get rid of it! theres a bit of space where it was located that you can fit some lead sheet, and there are a few locations inside where some more lead sheet can be added. Should be able to get the same weight of lead without the box.

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James, That is going to be a cracking unit when it is finished! Like the look of it already with all the work you have done.



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Very interesting. I've got a Provincial Pacer on the go - well at least faintly started and it looks like some handrail knobs must be added to the shopping list at Warley this weekend. I am a little nervous about my ability to get everything absolutely straight though. What thickness wire did you use?


The weight box is troubling me, too. I think I really need to remove it, but patching in a floor section that will survive having sheet lead araldited to it may be slightly interesting. I'm wondering if it is possible to get more sheet lead under the seating insert


I was interested by the casual comment about fitting Ultrascale wheels. Normally it's a doddle but I just couldn't get anywhere with this one. In fact the trainling wheel cradle off mine (which is being fitting - or will be fitted when I make some progress - with the Branchlines chassis) is being salvaged for a second attempt at the Skipper - I fatally butched the original in a desperate attempt to get the Ultrascale wheels in somehow

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Cheers guys!!


I used .45mm for the handrails and .35 for the driver grabs on the front doors. The knobs are Gibson short ones.


I'll look into weighting before I chop off the box - and will update with progress on the P4 conversion. I'm not expecting it to be plain sailing but I do not expect too much problem if I take things steady, and calculated (rather than my usual - rush in, worry about it later style!).

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