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Rebuilt crosti 9f



blog-0474568001403655557.jpga slightly modified Hornby 9f to a rebuilt crosti some of my own bits with crownline stuff

& golden arrow resin bits! but it did the job

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Now if BR had given it that style of smokebox door, the real thing would have looked so much better.

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Now if BR had given it that style of smokebox door, the real thing would have looked so much better.

yes thats what i thought this was a creative crosti 9f rebuild! but as i said it did the job!

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Any chance of a bit more info?

yes its a Hornby 9f rebuilt to crosti using some bits from an older Hornby 9f with a railroad body & tender top with fittings from some of my own scratch built items & crownline detailing parts as well as some resin pipe work left over from other crosti kits i have built from golden arrow! all stuck on painted up & weathered i do not have time to do blow by blow accounts any more due to work & other building projects so just on the odd chance post a photo & short blog entry.

hope thats helped.

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