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Foster Street - Board 3 (Green Bits)



As you know from previous blogs Foster Street is made up of 3 boards, the first contains Foster Street station and Goods yard, and the second covers the transition from the urban sprawl to the start of a more rural environment. In my mind at least board 3 was to be the easiest to complete, to my mind at least as it was just supposed to be a representation of your typical Northwest scrubland :)


So with Foster Streets exhibition debut rapidly approaching (November) I have been slowly working through all the important jobs left on my to do list, like deciding upon a form of auto coupling, or finishing the storage yard, of the electrics, or some of the finer details etc.


So when the Domestic Overlord, commented that seeing as I had been a good Boy recently, I could spent some time on my "trainset" like all good modellers I set out to finish some of the more important jobs.


That's where it all started to go wrong, suddenly being presented with officially sanctioned freedom from the Domestic Overlord, :) I decided to work on the storage yard. So getting all the required tools and equipment ready, I set off to the kitchen form a pre-work coffee, before I knew it I was hard at work......not on the storage yard but a complete re-work or board 3.


Yes before I knew it board 3 was sitting on the kitchen table, and I was mixing some plaster and pva in one of the desert bowls conveniently located not far from where I was working.


My plan for board 3 was to have the scene made a little more visually interesting by having a lowered section, which would contain part of a canal and warehouse/mill and the area crossed by the railway on a bridge (yes I now all highly original). I had got quite a lot of this work completed, but to be honest I was not happy with it, so the offending areas were removed and binned.


So before I knew it the majority of the offending original work was removed, and I had a good base on which to start improving the scenic area, I mean adding green stuff how hard could it be?


The areas of new plaster can easily be identified, and they still require a further coating to refine the finish, and then another coating of the green stuff and the jobs finished.


So whilst waiting for the plaster to dry, I set about making a list of the jobs I need to complete for this simple scenic upgrade....

1. Cover the new areas with grass/bushes.

2. Blend the area in with the existing green environment.

3. Ballast the track.

4. Decide upon what type of bridge will cross the canal.

5. Build the bridge

6. Build the canal side.

7. Add the water to the canal.

8. Build the Warehouse/Mill

9. Finish the backscene.

10. Lay the track for the branch

11.....................................OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE :) to finish this lot I will have to be more than a Good Boy I will have to be positively Angelic, now how to conn, I mean convince the Domestic Authority of this????


Until the next time as always, Happy Modelling :)

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I normally just sneak off to the modelling room and just pretend I can't hear anything going on outside the room! Ha ha!!

Nice work Paul, where will you be exhibiting the layout?

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I normally just sneak off to the modelling room and just pretend I can't hear anything going on outside the room! Ha ha!!

Nice work Paul, where will you be exhibiting the layout?

Jez we should be at the Weston 2014 show, that's if I ever get the layout finished :) Normally I sneak of to the spare room too, which must be incredibly well sound proofed because when I am there I cant hear a thing.


The Domestic Overlord had allowed me to work on board 3 on the kitchen table, supposedly because it will be easier for me but I can smell a plot brewing...................

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  • RMweb Gold

I was mixing some plaster and pva in one of the desert bowls conveniently located not far from where I was working.


That made me laugh out loud :-)


Is it not possible to declare an emergency, so that normal rules are suspended and you are allowed all the time you need to work on the layout until November? I mean, we are talking about a model railway exhibition here, and as everyone knows these things form the backbone of the nation, they are the last stand against the onslaught of computers, TV, rock music and the countless other temporary whims that threaten to erode the moral fabric of British culture!


Ok, so maybe that won't work and you just have to sneak off a lot in the coming months :-)

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I may be going over the top, but I reckon if I find myself a lookie-likeie like the chap in the Iron mask (no I'm not wearing an Iron mask, though some have commented it would improve my looks :().


Then I an basically live in the spare room feverishly working on the layout, while the stand in does all the domestic rubbish, ER I MEAN VITAL DOMECTIC DIY AND GENERAL DOGS BODY DUTIES. :)

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