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Foster Street - Board 3 (A Bridge Too Far)



The Domestic Overlord is definitely plotting something as I seem to have been given a lot of freedom to "play with my trainset", only time will tell what evil, nasty machinations are planned for me but for now hay ho :)


As a result progress on Board 3 has cracked on at a pace, and I have not glued my fingers together once (nothing to do with the fact that I have not been using Superglue, the Domestic Overlord has confiscated my supplies and my hidden one as well).


Anyway using my new favourite material, card I have built the girder bridge that carries the railway over the canal, put the base of the canal in (though it may need raising as its a little deep), and I have managed to build another factory.



So being a "busy little Bee" I may even get round to finally finishing off the canal barges I started several long months ago, where does the time go?

Once I have decided if I actually like the factory, it will require lots on detailing and of course weathering, I can see the job list getting bigger.


At this rate there may be a risk of actually getting the board to basic level before the November deadline, of course now I have said that something will go wrong.


I think I have discovered one of the reasons the Domestic Overlord has allowed me to use the kitchen table, it appears its closer to the cooker, I must go now, as the boss has just posted his dining requirements for this evening........must go as culinary excellence doesn't just happen by itself.


Until next time, as ever Happy Modelling :)

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Recommended Comments

That was fast! Looks very good, really adds interest.

Mikkel - thanks for the kind comment, like most of my modelling it looks a lot better from a distance, and if you turn your back to it :). Once I have decided if the factory looks/fits right, I will start to add a little more detail, which takes up huge amounts of mu modelling time.

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This is a nice little scene that gives an extra dimension to your layout.

Job thanks for the comment, I still have lots to do........

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Looks great Paul. Any chance of a photo of all 3 boards together?

Jez - Thanks it still needs a lot of work though, I will post pictures of all 3 boards together as soon as I get the chance to assemble the layout fully again.


I think the Domestic Overlord's plot is about to be revealed and I have a feeling I make lose my modelling privileges

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