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A Goods Shed for Litlington



I've mentioned on several occasions that I have been using the Alan Elliott 'Cuckoo Line' book for inspiration, especially for the railway structures.


I've previously mentioned the Station building from Hailsham, and way back at the start, I thought the Goods Shed from Rotherfield would make a nice model for the layout too. As the planning stages progressed though, and with the subsequent reduction in available space, it became clear that it wouldn't fit properly, so it was back to the drawing board.


Horam Station had a small goods shed on the platform, and although I am keeping mine in the goods yard, it seemed to fit well, as well as giving me scope for some alterations to make it my own. Unfortunately whilst the book is very comprehensive, there is no plan of the shed included, so I have had to approximate.


You can see the real thing here; http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/h/horam/index3.shtml- it is the small wooden structure partially obscured by the hedge and fence.


My interpretation of this is below;






You can see I've changed it a little, replacing one of the walls with brick and adding a small flat-roofed office, and also a sash window on the rail side so that the foreman can look down the line to see what he will be dealing with next!


As usual the camera has shown up a few areas needing touching up, but I'm quite happy with it for now - the roof felt, by the way, is a dried (unused!) Baby wipe, cut to size, folded under the plasticard roof, and painted using my preferred Tamiya Acrylics - the effect really is quite good. The woodwork is Wills sheets, as is the brickwork, whilst the sliding door is cut down from a Ratio GWR goods shed kit which was built and completed, but dropped when we moved, neatly separating back into its component parts!


The whole structure will sit on the extreme left of the layout, on a still to be built dock. It may not win any awards, but its mine!

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