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Preparing the ground...



So after my ballasting issues, and a much needed - and enjoyed - four nights away with the family, I have now moved on, and have begun putting the basic landscaping in.


A picture tells a thousand words, so;




This shows what I've done so far - I have used screwed up newspaper (the Friday-Ad comes in useful for all sorts!) underneath, stuck down with PVA then covered in strips of the same. There is still a fair bit to go in, and more strips will be needed to cover the paper fixed onto the board tonight.


To neaten the edge, masking tape has been applied along the rail side of the embankment. There is also a polystyrene strip, rescued from the skip at work, along the back edge, to allow for the support for a hedgerow.


To the right of the (placeholder) signalbox, you will see a white strip. This is another section of the Woodland Scenics incline, used purely for scenic purposes on this occasion.


If you excuse my foot, this shows what I have in mind




Starting on the far right, the white, flat card is the road surface, with a gentle slope up to a pair of railway cottages. I will scratchbuild these, but for mocking up purposes, the blue card is 130mm by 75mm, which is half the length of the Scalescenes 'row of cottages' kit - this contains four cottages, and I only need two, so will base the buildings on these measurements.


The slope then continues past some allotments, before becoming a muddy track leading up to a farm gate. I recently purchased the superb Gordon Gravett book on modelling grassland, rivers and roads, which really is excellent and has given me some ideas and, more importantly, the knowledge of how to do it. It has also seen some rather eccentric purchases, including chinchilla dust, tights, sawdust and white pepper...


Finally, going back to the signalbox, it will be raised above the bank, similar to that at Mayfield on the Cuckoo Line - the one on the layout at present is a Wills kit built and painted (badly) for an old layout - I'm actually planning to use the Ratio 'Platform Signal Box' kit, as it is smaller, but put it on brick foundations to raise it to the same height as this one to enable the signalman to see the top of the bank.

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Hi dseagull,

I had a layout many years ago that would have linked Seaford to Eastbourne via a coastal route, emerging from a tunnel close to the "Golden Galleon" inn and going back into a tunnel by Exceat farm, there would have been a mineral siding at Exceat Station served by the old mineral line that came up from Cuckmere Haven, with a narrow gauge branch serving Litlington, Lullington and Alfriston and Drusillas terminating at Berwick Station, it would have cost a lot of money to build in real life, but that is what our dreams are for :-) I spent a lot of my childhood holidays in that area staying with an "Aunt & Uncle" in Litlington village.


Best wishes


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Thanks Pete


I think my history is a little optmistic, and the most likely route would have left the main at Polegate, rather than coming across country from Isfield.


It certainly is a lovely part of the world though!

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