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Isambard Kingdom Brunel


I seem to have attracted a family of borrowers to my shed. Tuesday I lost my 1/8" drill bit, kept especially for reaming out bearings a la Iain Rice. Today, my manky old flux brush has disappeared. Wonder what they are building?

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I put all my stuff away in the loft whilst we went to Australia and new Zealand for 3 months, now I find the borrowers have had my 10BA taps.......

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I went to B & Q to get a replacement and they only had metric, no 3.2mm either.

So I went to an Ironmongers/hardware store called Garners in Skelmersdale (much nearer than B & Q, but I keep forgetting its there)

It has a big wooden counter which makes you want to ask for "Four Candles", it was a warm day so the fellow behind the counter didn't have his brown coat on.

Asked him for a 1/8" Imperial drill and he goes behind the scenes and runs upstairs, comes down with a plastic tube full of drill bits, asks how many do you want? One, says I, he scanned the bar code on the tube and says that will be 52p.

I didn't have the heart to say I would like a 1/4" drill bit too !

I really should go there more often, would love to know what they stock upstairs

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