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Goods Shed part 5 and Population Increase!



I think we can safely say that now we are in September the Summer is over and thoughts can once again return to modelling. My last blog entry was back in April, so an update is definitely due! I rarely do much modelling over the summer months, preferring to spend time on outdoor pursuits. The beast below is a major distraction from finishing the layout, but great fun all the same!:-)


Thunderbirds are go!


Despite the distractions provided by the joy of motorcycling, some progress has been made on Sherton Abbas. The gap under the Goods Shed walls needed resolving, but before it could be permanently fixed in position I wanted to include some interior detail.


Gap under Goods Shed.


I used some wooden sleeper strip left over from my 4 mm days to plank the Goods Shed floor, sticking them in position using PVA white glue. The planks were then stained using Colron wood stain and weathered with thinned enamel paints. I had a few packing cases, sacks and barrels left over from making wagon loads, so these were stuck in position on top of the planking using 5 minute epoxy resin. I also found a 4 mm scale yard crane in my "bits box" that I thought might look passable as a loading crane inside the shed.


Goods Shed interior.


Once I was happy with the shed interior 5 minute epoxy was used to fix the Goods Shed in position on top of the platform surface. Milliput epoxy putty was then used to fill in any gaps under the goods shed brickwork. Once the Milliput had dried it was painted to blend into the platform surface using enamel paints.


Gap filled with Milliput.


Painted Milliput.


I also added a figure from Andrew Stadden's excellent range https://www.acstadden.co.uk/shop-4 , who has evidently stepped in something grim on the way to work! Next time the baseboards are apart a little judicious painting of his boot will take place! :-)


View from end of Goods Shed.


I've also painted a few more figures from the previously mentioned range and positioned them on the platform surface.


New figures waiting on platform


The layout is getting pretty close to being finished, but still needs a lot more trees to added, I've got another 15 wire tree armatures built, so I have at least made a start! :-)


I'll close this entry with an overall picture of the layout, which is due to appear at the Cardiff show in October http://www.cardiffmodelrailwayshow.co.uk/


Until next time, best wishes to all!



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Fantastic!  Adding the figures really does bring the place alive.  I really must paint a few more of my Andrew Stadden figures, and I noted recently that he's now added some seated figures to his range of 2mm ones so I must order some of those when I remember :-)



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  • RMweb Premium

Superb. One observation if I may: there seem to be a surprising number of gentlemen not wearing hats, including the paterfamilias - I had not taken Sherton Abbas to be such a louche locality. This observation set me off to check my 4 mm Stadden figures whom, I am glad to say, comport themselves with propriety in this respect.

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  • RMweb Gold
I love the scenes with the figures. You have created a lovely station, worth waiting for a train to ....
Thanks Job!:-)


Dave,Fantastic!  Adding the figures really does bring the place alive.  I really must paint a few more of my Andrew Stadden figures, and I noted recently that he's now added some seated figures to his range of 2mm ones so I must order some of those when I remember :-) Ian
Thanks Ian! Andrews figures are rather lovely, Im glad I'm modelling in 7mm, painting them in 2mm will be a proper challenge!I hope Swindon goes well, I'm away that weekend otherwise I'd be there to see Modbury in the flesh/wood! :-)


Superb. One observation if I may: there seem to be a surprising number of gentlemen not wearing hats, including the paterfamilias - I had not taken Sherton Abbas to be such a louche locality. This observation set me off to check my 4 mm Stadden figures whom, I am glad to say, comport themselves with propriety in this respect.
Thanks Compound:-) The lack of hats is somewhat surprising. The ladies appear to be holding up in the sartorial elegance stakes, but the chaps are definitely letting the side down! I feel the need to pen a letter to the Sherton Abbas Gazette bemoaning the fall in standards.


Beautiful as ever, Dave. I can now breath out having been holding my breath since April...
Thanks Richard, relieved that you can breath again!:-)Best wishes to allDave
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  • RMweb Premium

Really lovely. 


I might concur with the comments on the gentlemans hats. I would also make the floral parts of the ladies hats a little more colourful, perhaps some pinks and light blues in the floral arrangements. 



Mind you, You know your modelmaking is top class when the fans have nothing to quibble about other than hats ..... 

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  • RMweb Gold

Lovely work on the goods shed interior and the new figures. It really is a superb layout.



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  • RMweb Gold

Really lovely. 


I might concur with the comments on the gentlemans hats. I would also make the floral parts of the ladies hats a little more colourful, perhaps some pinks and light blues in the floral arrangements. 


Thanks John:-)  


The ladies wearing the pink, blue and yellow gowns are all wearing hats adorned with white ostrich feathers.  Apparently its the height of fashion for the discerning follower of haute couture in the Summer of 1905 :-)



Lovely work on the goods shed interior and the new figures. It really is a superb layout.



Thanks Don!  Hope to see you at the Cardiff Show:-)

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Hi Dave,


Absolutely stunning! I've thoroughly enjoyed watching the progress on your layout and the end result is simply superb! You have really captured the atmosphere of a country terminus station.

Have fun operating it at the Cardiff exhibition!


Best regards,



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  • RMweb Gold
Hi Dave,


Absolutely stunning! I've thoroughly enjoyed watching the progress on your layout and the end result is simply superb! You have really captured the atmosphere of a country terminus station.

Have fun operating it at the Cardiff exhibition!


Best regards,



Thanks Jeremy, really glad you've enjoyed watching the layout progress :-) I'm very much looking forward to the Cardiff show, it's about 500 yards from where I live, so if I forget anything essential it's not too far to go! :-)


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold

I thought I was being jammy when I took Cogirep to the Church Village show, a mere 20 minutes in the car, but 500 yards is almost close enough to lay some track and keep the fiddleyard at home....

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  • RMweb Gold

Lol! Now there's an idea!:-)


I did consider fitting casters to the layout's legs and pushing the whole thing down the high street like an enourmous tea trolley!:-)

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  • RMweb Gold

Excellent Dave. Hats or not, that family are so very Edwardian to behold!


As for stepping in stuff, Mr Bull here knows exactly what you mean:




PS: Nice Bike!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Mikkel!:-) There may be developments on the hat front in the very near future:-)


Mr Bull has obviously visited the same spot as my porter!


Glad you like the bike, it's the perfect antidote to fiddling with bits of brass and soldering irons:-)


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  • RMweb Gold

I bet you are using moulds to custom-make head wear?! Mr Bull's bowler above was made from bits of scrap plastic btw.


I suggest you join up with some of the other MC enthusiasts on here and do a promotion campaign so we can demonstrate to the public that railway modellers are not as dull as they think?! :-)

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  • RMweb Gold
I bet you are using moulds to custom-make head wear?! Mr Bull's bowler above was made from bits of scrap plastic btw.
Bullseye!:-) watch this space:-)


 I suggest you join up with some of the other MC enthusiasts on here and do a promotion campaign so we can demonstrate to the public that railway modellers are not as dull as they think?! :-)
I'm not sure any of my motorcycling pals would impress the general public, we're all very much "last of the Summer wine" rather than Steve McQueen or James Dean! :-)
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