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Stour Valley Dream - planting the first signals

Fen End Pit


I managed to make some more progress on the signals for Clare and now have the down home and up advanced starter in position, if not properly bedded in. Both have 3d printed tapered 'timber' posts and lamps with the rest of the details, arms, ladders etc being from Model Signal Engineering. The taller home signal was printed on the Anycubic photon but I reverted to my new Ender 5 to print the shorted starter. Both have a length of brass rod running up the inside for strength.


The advanced starter has a patch of white paint on the bridge to aid sighting, the signal still needs some colour in the spectacles. Yes, I did have to have two attempts to place it which is why the hole in the ground is bigger than it ought to be!




The home is taller and the arm is visible over the bring parapet so that the signalman can see it. The track on the left is the goods lay-by, the signal reads for the running line on the right.




Both signals are driven by servos and a MERG Servo4 board running the 'Sema4' firmware. This means that the servo can be set with on and off positions, the speed of the movement and optional values for 'bounce'. This last one is going to take a bit of adjustment to get right, but it is fun playing.




Also over Christmas and the New year period I was able to get some thin ply (thanks Michael) added to the front of the layout. This allowed me to tidy up the contours, hide the polystyrene and generally make things look more pleasing on the eye. I am still undecided as to the final finish, I think it is too light at the moment but don't know whether to vanish/stain it as wood or paint a suitable colour. I've still got to apply some more static grass to the section nearest the camera.




Happy New Year and hope 2020 goes well for you.



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  • Craftsmanship/clever 4


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That's looking very nice indeed. You must be well pleased with how it's coming along.

Happy new year to you, too.


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I have seen layout fascia's that have been stained and varnished - I didn't think they looked good. I personally have painted my fascia black which highlights the edge of the board and make the viewer focus on the layout itself.  Just my two pence worth.


Happy new year to all




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  • RMweb Gold

Nice touch with the white sighting patch. That last view is superb, everything so nicely balanced.

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I tried a black facia and a friend who dabbled in art told me it was too dark, so it was repainted to a muddy brown. Distinct improvement. 


So - yes, your instinct is right, the facia is too light , but black would be too dark. Maybe something more in the olive green range ?

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