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Back to wagons again



For the last few months I've been busy on layouts. Both for the club and while intending to get some club

input the Corona Virus shut down has left the option of do nothing until the club rooms open again, or do

it myself. All interesting and keeping me busy, but apart from the '0' brake van I've not touched a wagon.

Couldn't go much further without making something with wheels !!


What's in stock - too many, but the Cambrian GWR/BR 18 Ton Sleeper Wagon caught my eye. Through Autumn

I'd been making engineers stock and this was intended as part of the set.


Cambrian kits can be brutes to make and I would usually advise against any beginner trying one. This one

has been so easy it's fallen together in a few days. Almost no wrinkles of confusing instructions with parts

that once cleaned up fit well.




As with all Cambrian kits they come without wheel sets, bearings, hooks, or decals. All these things cost

money, but the kit was cheap enough at £7.20

I tend not to use the recommended Gibson wheels often using Hornby sets in my wagon builds as their flanges

are somewhat deeper giving running security should you end up with a less than perfectly flat chassis. There is a

danger as some Cambrian kits have so little clearance and these would foul however no problems with this build

as A). I had no spoked Hornby wheel sets. B). My only spare spoked wheel set was Dapol, and these do have smaller





Very simple and fell together in a few hours.

White Metal hooks from the 'spares' box, I nip off half the fixing stub, otherwise it could foul my method of

fixing couplings.




This was on the edge for fixing couplings due to a tie bar between the solebars. Already well glued in before I thought

about couplings. A moment of panic as I couldn't find any Bachmann short narrow tension-lock couplings. These have

been in short supply since last Autumn and this build has taken my last 2 !!




With my small platform stuck in it was almost impossible to get a NEM pocket in between it and the tie bar.

I trimmed about 0.5 mm off the tie bar and used a file to create a small groove in the NEM pocket. Even then 

I couldn't pull the coupling down the last fraction of a mm to get 100% matching height to my standard of basic

Bachmann RTR height.








Once in there is no way you can change either the wheel sets, or remove the NEM pockets. If you want obviously

you could snap in Kadees, but this is not destined for a Kadee layout.


The made up model less stanchions weighed in at 8.6 grams, VERY light, but was run in a train with 11 wagons behind

it over 3 set track points and some 1st radius curves showing no signs of distress or de-railing. The kit has no brake

hangars meaning the wheel voids are quite empty. I used this space to add some lead sheet, salvaged from Jordan F1

wheel balance weights, this brought it up to nigh on 24 grams and I'm certain give additional running security.




Now painted black for early BR it'll have to await some decals and weathering before any more photographs.

Conclusion an easy model to make of an unusual wagon. Can sit with my Mermaids, Catfish, Dogfish and Shark !!



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  • RMweb Gold

Nice work. Will you be adding sleepers? It would look great but I can see how it would take some time, including those chains!

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Hi Mikkel,


Well I am looking at cutting some sleepers off old Hornby Dublo two rail track. Their

sleepers don't seem to have holes under the chairs as so much modern track has.

Only time will tell if it's practical.

One thing I can't find is where the ledgend "Return to Hayes" would be fixed. It can't

be on the side as two chain boxes down each solebar doesn't leave any space. Probably

on the insides of the end plates. Then of course where can you find such a decal !!

"Return to" is not a problem and can be obtained from the HMRS sheet, It may be a

plan to just have a dirty smudge at the end ?


Anyway thanks for the comment Mikkel !




Geoff T.

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  • RMweb Premium
5 minutes ago, Dad-1 said:

One thing I can't find is where the ledgend "Return to Hayes" would be fixed. It can't

be on the side as two chain boxes down each solebar doesn't leave any space. Probably

on the insides of the end plates. Then of course where can you find such a decal !!


My Sheet S2A includes two sets of BR-period transfers for these wagons - one for diagram T12 and one for diagram T13 - with RETURN TO HAYES, of course.


If you model the GWR period, Sheet C89 contains, amongst many others, four sets of transfers for these wagons.


See https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm


John Isherwood,

Cambridge Custom Transfers.

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Thanks for that John,


I will admit I've not studied the contents of your sheets, partially on the cost of a sheet

when compared to a single model. However as I don't think I'll be stopping my wagon

building in the near future It's probably a worthwhile investment. Using just 3, or 4 times

makes it a sound investment, so long as I can locate what I want on the big sheet !! My

eyes are not what they once were and finding Fox Tare Weights, white decals, on white

backing paper is almost impossible.


Geoff T.

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  • RMweb Premium
7 minutes ago, Dad-1 said:

Thanks for that John,


I will admit I've not studied the contents of your sheets, partially on the cost of a sheet

when compared to a single model. However as I don't think I'll be stopping my wagon

building in the near future It's probably a worthwhile investment. Using just 3, or 4 times

makes it a sound investment, so long as I can locate what I want on the big sheet !! My

eyes are not what they once were and finding Fox Tare Weights, white decals, on white

backing paper is almost impossible.


Geoff T.




My transfer sheets come with a black & white image of the sheet, and a key describing in detail each set; (below); the transfers are printed on blue-backed paper for easier identification.


John Isherwood.






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Hi John,


Obviously you understand the 'white decals on white paper' problem !!


Posting off tomorrow.


Geoff T

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