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    BR up to 1968

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  1. This 'whisky wagon' rake is purely an exercise in nostalgia - and will be in ex-works pristine condition. It'll join my Roadrailer and Blue Circle 'Silver Queen' rakes. CJI.
  2. Sorry, just numbers - and for my own use only. CJI.
  3. Look more closely! Specifically the height of the vertical section at the top of the end. Without any doubt, the seven ribbed one is shallower than the ten ribbed one. Also, there is a distinct difference in the height of the vertical section of the sides. Sorry! CJI.
  4. Thanks all for the info - I can now get on and design and print some number transfers. CJI.
  5. Thank you - I will go and check whether I have that book on my shelves. CJI.
  6. As the proud owner - thanks Tony Wright - of eleven Trix 'whisky' wagons, I now wish to complete their livery by adding correct wagon numbers. These are the first series of the prototype wagons, as opposed to the later series modelled by Lima. Does anyone know the original number series? Also, not all of the models are in the iconic blue livery - there is also one in yellow Maltsters Association of Great Britain livery, and one in plain grey BRT livery. Were these exceptions from a separate number series, or random examples from the main series? Any assistance will be gratefull received. CJI.
  7. So who will be the first to offer a 3D printed replacement battery box component for this model? CJI.
  8. Sorry - I was intending my response to be to Fredo's assertion that 12135 had yellow panels. CJI.
  9. DL26? TAURUS - I presume that you refer to the regauged incarnation in Spain? CJI.
  10. How can you be sure - do you have a colour photo? To the best of my knowledge, these early visibility experiments were, for the most part, white. CJI.
  11. Pristine platforms - would you be able to detect the patches in the surface from, say, a nearby overbridge? If not, you should not try and represent them - they'll look 'overdone'. CJI.
  12. The tortoise element is exceptional - it is not the responsibility of landowners to fence their land. As I'm sure that you know, it is NR's responsibility to maintain its fences according to adjacent land-use; (tortoises excepted). CJI.
  13. I think that you mean 16.5mm. Sounds like a short - what's the loco and have you checked the back-to- back of its wheelsets? CJI.
  14. All this does not explain why NR were requesting (above) that landowners maintain the security of THEIR railway boundary fences. CJI.
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