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Blogs vs. Topics



I have to confess when I first started this blog I was unsure if it would generate any interest at all. It is fare to say that Im not a mainstream modeller, with a strange mix of On30, Playmobil/Gscale with a bit of OO thrown in for good measure.

So having just spent an hour browsing the forum I came across the Blog main page and noticed that my blog has had over 2000 views !


To all of you who stop by to see what Im up to down in my shed, thanks for taking the time and the interest. You are always welcome to make comments or suggestions.


I think the great beauty of the blog is it allows all of the bloggers interests to be pooled into one place. When I had a topic for each of my scales and layouts, there were times when I felt alone in the vastness of RMweb. The use of blogs has made each entry available to a larger audience. I have found myself following blogs with entries that have no connection to my own sphere of interest, just because a single entry caught my eye.


As I look down the list of recent visitors to my blog, I see names of people I know have no interest in narrow gauge or garden railways, I hope you find the occasional post of interest, amongst my mixed up ramblings and whistle stop modelling..


Anyway enough chit chat I'm off down to the shed for an hour !




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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John, I follow your blog because you do different things to the norm. The conversion of the Playmobil stock is both inventive and inspiring, the speed at which you build the orange box layout models is amazing and Mossley Terrace was just stunning. Whatever you do is done well, it's always interesting to see.



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Thanks Stu glad you like the variety... Coming up soon is some playmobil coach conversions, I think one will be a mobile workshop ?!

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