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Solid Progress



Well, so the paint shop was closed today, so it's become a train day, and repainting the windowsills will have to wait. Appearance wise, not much has changed, but there is much more nailed down than before.


In fact everything but the two spurs on the left and the right. The goods spur is for tomorrow, the bay platform spur might get done too.


Lessons learnt:


  1. Don't nail down track too readily, I nailed down the left hand point in the crossover before nailing down the facing track!
  2. A Dremel (or clone type of kit), is invaluable!
  3. If you buy a tool or bit or something. You'll eventually find a need for it.


Let's just say that the Dremmel like kit and the additional grinding disk has proven to an invaluable investment!


Now for a look at the wiring underneath... I'm using a simple scheme, red and black for power, purple and pink for AC mains, green, yellow and brown for points.


In hindsight I should have probably added an additional colour for a feed to an isolating section. Ohh well, too late now!


Tomorrow, is going to be:


  1. Fitting the remainder of the point motors
  2. Adding the power feed from the outside
  3. Fitting the goods spur


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