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Dutch 33s and Regional 150

The Fatadder


Not really managed to get as much modelling done this weekend as I had originally planned, went down with flu last week which really knocked me out so theres a lot of unfinished work on my workbench at the moment.

That said I am hoping to get on and finish the window frames on my 150 this evening. The etches were painted (blue for the outer frame and black for the rubber surround) then are sanded back to clean any paint off the silver parts. This is taking a lot longer than I would like as i keep sanding off part of the blue paint by mistake....

Should hopefully get some photos of the completed unit this evening as well...


I have also have brought a dutch Heljan 33/1 from the classifieds, this should be the last loco which is needed for the layout (unless someone brings out a new 73 next year!) My plan is to use it as a basis for a 33/0 (so remove the pipe work & buckeye and replace the cutaway above the coupling. The latter will be modelled with the large dent which is typical for the class. I am trying to decide between either 33030 and 33025. 33030 is rather tempting given the photos of it on a 1997 working of 4 silver bullets, also have found a photo of it working on a railtour with 33116 in early 98. The livery is a lot more tidy than that of 025, so less work is required in the paint shop. The biggest problem I can see with this choice was that it got repainted into EWS in August 98. Finally I came across this photo of it doubled with 116 on a rake of Sea Urchins.

33025 was chosen because of photos of it working on a freight doubled up with 116, it also has an interesting look to it with the faded paint and the scars from the nameplates etc,

Looks like doing 33030 will be the one.....


Along with the conversion work on the ends, I will be doing the same paint work as on 116, painting the roof grill & other unpainted parts on the model along with correcting the underframe.


While researching 33030 I came across this photo of 56047working on clay, while its dated much too early for the layout it is rather tempting to either model this (or search further and see if I can find any other similar Class 56 workings). Must admit a transrail dutch liveried loco would be rather tempting! Still, no rush there to get on and buy one...


Finally, the weekend has been spent shopping for a new car (the Bora having got too old and knackered and left me worrying what the next big bill will be.) So I will be taking delivery of a 2006 Alfa Romeo 147 2lt TS Lusso on Thursday or Friday which I am rather looking forward to. God knows if the layout will fit in there though!





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Who cares if the layout fits in, it's gorgeous! I didn't know we were allowed pornography on here!


You lucky so and so you!



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You've probably somehow worked out that the blue 33 behind 030 is 33116 but the caption for that photo says 33051?


33030 seems a nicer bet.



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  • RMweb Gold

A good case of seeing what you expect to see rather than whats there I think, was expecting a blue 33 to be 116, hadnt realised that 051 had a name at that time (As the photos I was looking at before showing the blue pair of 051 and 116 only 116 was named. Looking again its very clear that it is in fact 051 as it has cast BR arrows while 116 had painted....

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Ahh fine. I thought that maybe the caption was wrong.

33030 with ploughs sounds nicest?




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  • RMweb Gold

think you're right there on 030, and it has a full set of ploughs as well which is even better!

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The full set of ploughs will look nice! What coupling system are you using? Coupling between 33030 and 116 might be tricky with the buffing plate and drop head buckeye on 116 if you're using screw-links? If you use Kadees (as I have with my 33s) you'll need to mount the kadee through the snow plough - which visually works quite well actually!


Good luck on re-working from the 33/1 body shape - I still think it's easier correcting the roof profile with wet-and-dry paper then removing all the pipework, creating new marker lights, adding lamp irons and then adding the bulbous lower edge - it would be interesting to pose the finished model next to my version of 33019 and see if you can tell any difference when they're finished! smile.gif


Good luck. I love Cromptons (and also echo your 'lets hope for a new 73' comment!). smile.gif


Oh - and lovely new car! My brothers got a 02 reg 2.0l 147 Lusso - it's lovely biggrin.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

Coupling to Heljan 33s has always been something of a pain, and yea, this will be even worse! will see how bad it is, and if its too much of a pain remove the buckeye from one end of 33116 to make coupling easier.


Must admit that I hadnt thought about the marker lights, had completely forgot they arnt there on the 33/1. Going to draw up an etch and use that for them!


Will have to see if I can tell! though part of the reason for choosing to do it this way is that its just a case of repainting the yellow ends rather than trying to match up the roof colour. while I want to weather it up to a suitable condition for 98 running at some point, I suspect it will be quite some time before I get round to it.

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