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Herring Test Build





After a few "cut n' shut" style modifications I have just about finished the first test build. The top sides have been lowered and the overall hopper shortened by .3mm. Next to that, it all seemed fit.


Even thought it looks a bit worse for wear, I'm quite happy with the out come. I just have to design the hopper operating mechanisms and the vacuum braking components.


Also, since have your attention;


I am still after any images of Herrings you may have. I am modelling the GWR design as shown below. Any help is always welcome.





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Looks spanking Mr Bryn - I should probably dust off the plans for Parkend....



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Hey Bryn smile.gif


Im very very impressed by that, it looks really good. The GWR design you say.....Hmmmm I might be interested in a few of them then sometime in the future.


Missy smile.gif

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Bryn, excellent work, I would have chatted a bit more about this on Sat had I known! I've got a friend who has been working on the same kit in 4mm and i'm forever dropping subtle and not so subtle hints to hurry him up!


Pixie, stop all that Parkend talk right now....you'll get me in trouble! wink.gif (So how many do I need? Ummm suitable for both in the forrest and on the S&D.....)


I really must stop looking at all this 2mm FS, I can't start yet another gauge!

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Cheers Kemp!


Don't worry, I'm sure our paths will cross again mate. I'm still on the hunt for Herring information, so anything yo can get your hands on will be of great use.


Maybe you should just build one 2FS kit.... just one and then stop.... one more, last one I promise.... I can can stop when I want to, I just don't want to.

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Unfortunately there was a no show on the weekend so haven't been able to obtain any more info just yet, I am working on it though! If gentle persuasion fails i'll move on to thumb locks! wink.gif


Yup, wagon's look so lonely on their own! I must say I do like your rake of 16 tonners and that stanier brake is comming along very nice too!

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No rush, this kit is pretty low on the priority list currently. If you can find any new information, I'll send you a free kit as a trial build.


Thumb locks? You told me those were gear pullers.... blink.gif

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You tease, you know I can't have a train of just 1 Herring! biggrin.gif


Don't worry i'm not known for speed but feel free to gently prod me if you don't hear anything!


Lol, better hope we don't have to move onto the track cutters and heaven forbid firing up the Dyna-drive!!! biggrin.gif (Now where are those devil ears and evil grin to go with my smilie!)

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