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More laying out of parts



Not much happening on the viaduct at the moment (due to work pressure in my case and getting Matford ready for Scaleforum in John's).


However, whilst over at John's yesterday we tried to set out as many of the pieces as we could to get more of a feel for the size and to think about next moves after September.


This shows about two thirds of the full length, with the balustrades in about the right position and full height piers shown in the middle (apologies for the quality - hand held above my head and in poor light).






The gap between the arch sections and the balustrades is the 'track base', and between each balustrade section is a refuge. Both these components we have now also decided to have laser cut in MDF now we know what can be achieved (and what we want). Some of the panelling detail on the refuges and pavilions will also require some beading/framing to be cut by York in Rowmark (the version of plasticard that can be laser cut).


Construction proper should now be starting in October.




Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Really glad to see the coach is properly equipped with a tail lamp! This is gonna be the 8th wonder of the model railway world, surely!

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