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More Templotting on Bodmin

The Fatadder


The last day or so has been spent doing yet more fine tuning to the Templot plan for Bodmin, Focusing on more small improvements to alignment, and more importantly sorting out the sleepers.


This results in a change from this:



to this:



Much tidier!


There is still a fair bit more to do, with the Sleeper spacing still needing to be corrected on to concrete track (still more reading of the manual needed to work out how to have two different sleeper spacings on the layout without manually moving each sleeper!) but its getting there.


Once I have sorted out that final issue, the next job is going to be printing out the templates and seeing how the templates for the points compare with the Colin Craig ones I intend to build from. (If not theres going to be more modifications needed to get the two plans to match up!)


Once thats done, theres not a lot more that can be worked on until I start buying track components....


Recommended Comments

Hi Rich

You should be able to wipe the template to control (or delete to control is what I tend to use more often) and then select sleeper numbers 24/25/26 sleepers per length 60' rails etc (real>plain track options>rail length and sleeper spacings...) and only that current template will be changed not the entire plan.



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