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The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction...

Captain Kernow


It's well known my many on here that I have a habit of making up fictitious railway histories and palming them off on an unsuspecting public as if it were 'fact'.


My OO layout 'Bleakhouse Road' is one such case in point. It's modelled on a real area, albeit one that never had a railway in that particular location, and the name is completely made up.


Imagine our surprise, then, when we took the layout to the recent Blackburn show. We were sitting in the Wetherspoons in Burnley having our breakfast one morning (why Wetherspoons for breakfast - long story - don't ask! ;) ), when a bus came by, that purported to be going from Lancashire to the Somerset Levels!.... ;) :lol:


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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

So will this route be added to the integrated Bus-Railway timetable for Bleakhouse Road Station!?



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