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Better late than never & my ' 52 week challange '



Hi all,


Well after a long time lurking and reading everyone else's blogs i thought it about time i had better start one and just before a new year seamed like the ideal time to start.......of a fashion :rolleyes:


The main reason for the blog is i have decided to try a 52 week challange. A fellow member of rmweb for the past year has been doing a 52 week challange to build a wagon/item of rolling stock each week for a year( 2010)


So me being slightly mad / crazy (as anyone who knows me :unsure: B) ) decided i would try it for 2011.


I like most of us on here have many (see loads in the dictionary) kits sat in a box, or in the cupboard waiting for the day when we get round to building them and i thought i would use this as a way to get through some of them and increasing my stock levels at the same time.


There will be a few diffrent scales through out the challange, ranging from 2mmFS right up to O gauge as i have a few items in most but i mainly concentrate on 00.


How successful this will be we will see at the end of the year next year as i also have a 2mmFS layout to build and also try to keep on top of the exhibtion

apperances at shows in the North East and at the SWAG members day (i'm ment to have the 2mmFS layout attending :unsure: , should learn to keep quite when people ask me things :rolleyes: )


I have decided to have a wagon completed each week and batch paint every so offten but limit this to 4 wagons at a time and all wagons must be constructed, painted, transfers on and couplings fitted ready for a layout for it to count as completed.


So will i still have some time left i will enjoy the last few days of freedom before the off and i would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year


see you all on the other side.




Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

That sounds like an interesting and challenging project! Will be interesting to follow. Is there a sanction if you miss out a week? :)

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I could well do with a similar challenge. Personally, I have a tendency to play trains and dream in my railway room, so time has passed and nothing done. Perhaps I should contrive something similar. Thanks for this notion. More anon.



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  • RMweb Gold



Mikkel, in answer to your question i will have to work twice as hard the following week :unsure:


No, if i know i will be having a busy week i will do an easier kit i.e 009.


I have been doing the same Brass0four hence the need to give my self a challenge.



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  • RMweb Gold
(i'm ment to have the 2mmFS layout attending :unsure: , should learn to keep quite when people ask me things :rolleyes: )


You will learn, I have.


We'll be keeping an eye on progress to make sure you keep it up... biggrin.gif

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