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Life, the wilderness......& S H Model Making

Hello,   My name is Simon and you may remember me from such blog entries as,     Layout progress and Taunton RMweb members day SECR Ballast van 4mm   and The secret Diary of an exhibition exhibitor/ Demonstrator Well as you may have noticed that its been a very and I mean very long time since I wrote on here (just under 3 years ) and a lot has happened in that time. You may remember the last entry listed above well that was about two shows in to a back to back run of 6 weekends on th



The secret Diary of an exhibition exhibitor/ Demonstrator

HI all,   well its been a while, a long while since i posted my last entry on here, now this is due to many factors but one of the main ones it's now show season again and as some of you know may know i do a DCC demo at some shows in the north of the country and the past couple of weekends have been taken up with shows so i thought seeing as we have had a thread on here about how start exhibiting your layout, i would explain what you may face in the joys of taking your trainset/ demo on the



The jigs have arrived

Hi all,   It's been a while since my last entry due to may factors, namely work, a few shows with my DCC demo oh and a wedding later today. NOT mine i may add, but a good friend (congratulations Dave ) and not much has been done on the layout due to this BUT   I now have the jigs, all 6 of them. 3 crossing V's and 3 filing jigs. Many thanks go's to Alan Smith who took some time out of his busy schedual to custom make my jigs for me.   Now for those who are not aware or not had the chnac



SECR Ballast van 4mm

HI All,   whilst I'm waiting for my 2mmFS track jigs to arrive, i have been working on a few unfinished 4mm kits that i have got in some boxes that have been there for a while.   The first one is a SECR Brake/Ballast van from a Cambrian kit.   As you can see i have made the ballast van version and i wasn't happy with the stantions at the open end and also the running boards on both sides so i have spent a little while making new boards.   A couple of the angle parts are not quite straig



Making Track & Layout Pictures

Hi all,   well whilst i am waiting for the jigs to arrive i have been making up lengths of easitrac.   For those that haven't seen it before i will give a quick run down on whats what.   The bits needed are as follows Rail- code 40 Sleepers - woodern, concret, flatbottom or Bullhead time RAIL.   The rail is avalible in 10m coils or 500mm straights, most people say to use the straights as it easier to bend than to straighten so thats what i have used   SLEEPERS.   The sleeper



Layout progress and Taunton RMweb members day

HI all,   well after a picture of my new 2mmFS layout was put up in the Taunton thread i thought i had better do a little entry on progress.   The layout its self is a 4ft 6" dia circle and will have two main lines on the front and a four road fiddle at the back. The board folds up in the middle and this will provide proctection for the layout and i am toying with the idea to find some boxes that will sit on the rear half and these will hold the stock for the layout so it can be transported



The first 2mm FS point of many

Hi all,   Well as the title says i have built my first 2mmFS point using Easitrac bits. Some of you may be suprised to learn that this is the first handbuilt point that i have done and it will be part of my new 2mmFS layout that i am building.           I did have help from Mick Simpson to keep me pointed in the right direction and on the whole i am please with it. It still needs a couple of finishing touches, like the tiebar, and the sleepers trimming but the wagon rolls throu



Failed on week one, is this a sign?

Hi all,   Due to a number of reasons I have failed on complete week one, which is a annoying as i am really motovated to do this.   This week I have been mostly busy with life, websites, re-pricing, some more re-pricing, fixing other peoples models and a little bit of DCC chipping for other people which has a net result of no time left for me   I think i have to give up work just to do this.   The upshot of all this is that i have lerant new skills for working on websites which will c



Better late than never & my ' 52 week challange '

Hi all,   Well after a long time lurking and reading everyone else's blogs i thought it about time i had better start one and just before a new year seamed like the ideal time to start.......of a fashion   The main reason for the blog is i have decided to try a 52 week challange. A fellow member of rmweb for the past year has been doing a 52 week challange to build a wagon/item of rolling stock each week for a year( 2010)   So me being slightly mad / crazy (as anyone who knows me



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