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Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Signal Box - Update 7 - A night on the tiles



The kit of parts from York Modelmaking included a set of their self adhesive tiles of the type I used on the shed sand dryer and office complex. I could have used them again on the box but using at the available photos to measure the size of the prototype tiles I found they were 9 or 10in wide, whereas the self adhesive version are a scale 12in.

I decided to use my tried and tested method using 5thou plasticard and set about making a plasticard jig to assist cutting individual tiles to a consistent length. This jig is shown in the first photos below and consists of two pieces of plastic strip glued 3mm apart onto a piece of 30thou plasticard. Strips of 5thou of 3mm width are placed into the jig and cut into 4mm lengths to give a supply for the roof. Using a bottle of Plastiweld and a very thin brush the task of tiling got underway. It is essential not to overload the brush as the tiles need the minimum to fix them into position. I am pleased with the results.

One of the benefits of using individual tiles is the ability to carefully position them to include 'slipped' and broken tiles. An further benefit with the signal box is the ability to accurately position tiles at the ends of the hipped roof. The adjoining tiles need to be accurately positioned with a thin gap between them and this would have been more difficult using 'strips' of plasticard or the self adhesive tiles.

So far I have managed to complete six rows of tiles so about half way there now......... a night on the tiles to finish them - I don't think so, it is News Years Eve after all.


Wishing all readers of this blog an excellent New Year and will sign off the old one with a few pics....







Recommended Comments

Hi Robin,

excellent model, great workmanship, tidy and accurate cutting of plastic, you must be really pleased with your results.



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Thanks for all the kind comments. I've nearly finished the roof today so will post a few more photos shortly. I have just erected the full set of boards for the layout as the Glevum Group have a meeting here tomorrow... well later today. Hopefully I can post some shots of visiting stock as well.

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