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Micro Steam: Landscapes and vertical space......

Will J


Evening All,


right, no modelling as such tonight, but a bit of three dimensional pondering, which might be of interest.


You will recall my N gauge Victoria Brige diorama, this is making quiet progress, note that the beginnings of an abutment is beginning to appear. I spent a chilly afternoon at the weekend walking to the Northern Abutment (I'm used to cycling past on the Southern bank) getting detail pictures and generally observing and sussing things out.




But what has this to do with my latest ultra small scale (T Gauge) diversion? Well, the N gauge diorama is all about using vertical space to get a sense of the real thing, as I have little space in terms of a 'footprint' in my little office room to expand outwards. Placing the little T model on the scene, I was immediately aware that whilst T gauge can buy you a lot of extra scale space on the ground (being roughly a third the linear size on N), it can also really boost the elevation in your modelling too...


...enough to give you vertigo B)






I had been tempted to try to make a T version of the Victoria Bridge scene, but for some reason I am unsure that I want to (at least, for the time being). Somehow making the same model in two gauges runs the risk of ending up with one that is somehow more satisfactory than the other, though without trying I'm not sure which it would be!


So, further thoughts on the T scenario, something a little like this http://classictractionimages.weebly.com/bodmin-rd---liskeard.html


....but maybe with a little branch line underneath instead of Trago Mills carpark! Shades of Coombe perhaps (but with a more St Pinnock ish viaduct, with some fiddly etching)..... I am certain it will be Cornish in flavour anyhow!

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I reckon you just fancy lasing the Liskeard Viaduct... Bet you could make a fair job of a '66' in 'T' as well!





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