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Making progress... well, sort of.

Sailor Charon


Well, it's been... a tricky few days.


Partially, it's been a case of trying to get the bottom of the boiler round. I've tried it with, and without the... is it a weight? I don't know. Well, whatever it is, it sits on top of the chassis and is screwed down. The problem is that whether it's there or not, there's stuff on the chassis that sticks up into the bottom of the boiler. The fact that the Brit boiler isn't quite as rounded at the bottom as I thought...


I've tried about five or six different ways of rounding it off. At least two of which interfered with the running. As in they stopped the wheels turning. I think at number three or four I gave up. Anyway, I put the weight back. If it is a weight. Even if it isn't, I put it back. I also put a little bit of blu-tak on top of the back end, and now the boiler doesn't point slightly upwards anymore, this lifts the back end a little, so the trailing bogie can turn without getting tangled up.


As for the drawbar hitch. Well, I can't use the existing one. It's in front of the trailing bogie. My plan is to get a countersunk nylon bolt, and put through a hole in the back of the cab floor. Or maybe a little bit further forward. As for power, the plan is to solder a pair of wires onto the existing hitch and also a pair of handrail-type wires. And then make a hitch that uses those wires...

I'll probably mock up a cab out of card to begin with. I might even use it if it looks ok when it's been painted.


But now for some slightly better news...

I've been building an Ultima 50' full brake.


The steps are made from card. I like card. Oh, and the door vents will be card as well, the same as the kitchen car. I need to order another pair of bogies (and some more bearings - oh, and couplings as well...) because I botched the first one.

I have to say that this one went together more easily than the first one. If only because I had a better idea what I was doing.

Oh yes, and the ribs are masking tape...



Oh, and here's a view of the bottom. I soldered the underframe and v hangers on this time rather than gluing them. And yes, I need to move the dynamo...


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