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It's been a while, so...

Sailor Charon


Not much has happened recently. I've made the new drawbar hitch for the Jubilee, and, at least in principle, it works. The only problem is, it looks as if I'm going to have to solder the wires to the old hitch - and that either means removing the wheels, or else trying not to hit them with the iron. (Both fill me with dread.) and then onto the new hitch, which either means removing the brass bits and then reattaching them, or else... actually, that's exactly what it involves, since you shouldn't solder anything with superglue on it... (argh)



As you can see, it needs a new shorter drawbar. Which is ok, because the current one's a little damaged anyway. :(

There's a big gap under the boiler, but once I've got the boiler attached to the footplate, and the footplate attached to the chassis I'll have another go at rounding it off with milliput.

Oh yes, and I know the cab needs a new front.


In the meanwhile, I'm thinking about turning a 3MT into the Bullied 4-6-4T from Locos that never were, on the basis that it should just be a case of cut down a West Country body, add tanks and a bunker, remove the valve gear from the 3MT and then... (Yes, I know it doesn't have Boxpox wheels.) But it should be reasonably simple and hopefully let me get my confidence back a bit... ;)


I haven't got to B&Q yet, if only because the local ones don't cut MDF to size, and I don't have any transport. But none the less, it will happen!


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