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Working out a track plan



Here's my return to modelling. After a couple of false starts I'm beginning my first project as an adult. I am by no means young or old, but I haven't done any modelling for a long time. So now is the chance to build the layout I always wanted to. Albeit with a few limitations.


I live in a one bedroom apartment with my Fiance and our dog, so this project has taken a while to get planning permission and will have to be 'micro'. As a baseboard I'm going to use a Clas Ohlson shelf. Clas Ohlson is a swedish brand which is best described as the love child of Wilko's and Ikea. It's swedish and sells everything you can imagine, you always end up buying something completely different than what you went in for, you get the idea. It's going to be a micro layout, with enough operating interest for me to operate on a night after work, i don't see myself exhibiting it. It must be easily tidied away. The pre-fab nature of the baseboard will prevent the need for much carpentry and excessive mess in the flat. I want the fiddle yard to be optional, so I could shunt about without a fiddle yard, then attach one on more serious running days.


I've begun to work out a trackplan, it's basically an inglenook design, using a 3 way point and a reverse headshunt leading to a fourth siding. I'll try to draw up a more accurate trackplan, but here's what the general idea is so far:





as you can see Bonnie insists on helping.


I've got some ideas of what the scene will be, but I'll return to those later. In short it will be a chance to run my Class 08 (Bachmann in BR blue), Ruston 48DS (half built A1 model) and Rolls Royce Sentinel (Judith Edge Kits, on order from DC Kits) it'll be private industrial sidings with a link to BR. It'll be a foundry or scrap yard, I've yet to decide. I think a little more research is required. I have to think through everything several times before committing to it, for example I've spent months deciding which Judith Edge kit to attempt, decided on a sentinel, then within an hour wondered if it should have been a YEC Janus or at least a Hunslet.


It might even be interesting to build a privately owned yard serviced by heritage locos and operated by enthusiasts, like the Middleton Railway was. I'll think about that later, for now I need to commit to a track plan and get that 3 way point ordered.

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

That's an interesting Inglenook variation. I like the idea of a Sentinel on it. How many wagons will be featured in the shunting puzzle?


I like how the Ipad is almost half the length of the whole board (ok a third), that's what I call a real micro layout :)

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Hi Mikkel, thanks for your comments


(sorry this response has taken so long)


I'm not sure whether to operate strictly as a shunting puzzle, but to leave that option open if I want to operate it that way (hence the Inglenookish track plan). It could certainly accomdate 4-5 16T mineral wagons and probably 3 longer wheel based wagons in that mode. It all depends on what direction I want to take the layout. I want avoid the idea of a 'micro layout' as a novelty, and instead use it as a way of developing skills on a smaller layout before taking them onto a larger project (when I have the space). Although, the layout is micro, the limited space is always going to come to define it. So the sense of space is going to be important.I really enjoy a layout that creates that atmosphere however large or small, watching the trains go past can sometimes ome secondary to appreciating that. Making the right use of the limited space certainly the next challange. Its going to be an industrial setting but thats as far I've got. I've been skecthing a few ideas out and going through my photo albums for reference. I think that'll be the next blog entry.


Having said all of that at Model Rail live a stood watching the inglenook layout (Inglenookl sidings?) for longer than any other.


The track has been laid, wired and tested, so I'll add another entry as soon as I can...




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