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A Very British 'Bulldog'



No - not a jingoistic outpouring, but a model being built in tribute to a very nice man - a true 'Brit' and an ex-master mariner to boot. Not only is Jim my father-in-law - he's also my uncle. Before anyone gets a banjo out, Zoe my wife had the good fortune (her words) to be adopted by my aunt & uncle. The reason for building this kit (a Martin Finney 'Bulldg') is explained in the last section (to date) on the MSWJR 4-4-0 build.


So now an appeal - if anyone has any photo's or references to 'Kingfisher (3448) as running between 1920-1930 - I'd be delighted to be aquainted with them. Usually I enjoy the research almost as much as the buiild - but in the circumstances time appears to be pressing.


So onward...


As usual I will start with the tender... This is the Churchard '3000 gal' variant. Whats in the box?




I'm tempted to say 'the usual Finney product'... Superb cleanly-etched shiny brass etches, very nice castings and a set of instructions to drool over... Martin states that from this kit you can build ll variants of the prototype and I doubt I will prove him wrong!


First step (for me) is to lay the parts out in a desk tidy (of which I have several!) - this ensures that no parts go astray.


Next step is to order the wheels (Gibson) and motor/gearbox (High Level) - will speak to Chris this a.m. for advice - the kit was originally designed round a portescap, but I'm guessing that Mr Gibbon's got something in the armoury!


Tommorrow evening will be spent poring over the instruction-sheets (which include a nice guide to the etches), and familiarising myself with the various parts. Who knows, I might even get some soldering done! However, whilst I do feel somewhat 'under pressure' I will resist the temptation to rush it...






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Galloping Alice is back in her stable, then?

As you have already chosen the name and number, one assumes that you know her ( it's ) area of operation?

Presumably not ex-Cambrian metals?

I wish you joy!



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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, that's a rather nice thing to do for your father-in-law. When I reach 87 I hope I'll have a son-in-law like you (maybe I should introduce the idea to my daughter!).


Must require some careful balancing of time and effort to have three locos on the go at once. Let's hope they don't get mixed up. Not sure a "Galloping Bulldog" would go down well with GWR fans :) .

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Hi Nick -


According to the shed lists she was at Westbury in '23 and Didcot in '34 - so she could appear in my scenario (set east of Gloucester & north of Cheltenham on 'through trains' to Honeybourne etc. I only chose the name 'cos Kingfishers are my favourite bird!


Hi Mikkel

You have to give them the money, too! As to balancing the effort, I really started the MSWJR whilst waiting for some 'bits' for a 5700 conversion - which I then got 'carried away with'! The 'Bulldog' for obvious reasons will take precedence over both the others - which are laid out in their own desk-trays.



to you both,



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