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Layout progress and Taunton RMweb members day



HI all,


well after a picture of my new 2mmFS layout was put up in the Taunton thread i thought i had better do a little entry on progress.


The layout its self is a 4ft 6" dia circle and will have two main lines on the front and a four road fiddle at the back. The board folds up in the middle and this will provide proctection for the layout and i am toying with the idea to find some boxes that will sit on the rear half and these will hold the stock for the layout so it can be transported as one unit rather than having a few extra bits kicking around in the back of the car.


The layout its self will be no where inperticular and i will try not to date the scenery in anyway and have the details like cars and stock etc to date it to a year(s) and also try and see if i can also have it so it the region can be moved around by having a building on there that can be changed to show the local building material. If that makes sense.



So far the boards have the templot plan V2 stuck down to the board and the sleeper strip is all down and now i am just awaiting the arrival of my custom jigs.


I say custom as my original plan (kindly made by DaveC) was to have 1:8 points and the jigs (filing and crossing) where bought and i was all set to go but after prining the plan and joining it together the three tracks on the front was to much so a change was made and now the points range from 1:14, 1:13 and one lonely 1:11 and none of these are avalible off the shelf from the 2mm shop as a quick email sent off to a man in the know and i have some being made as i type.


The crude photos below show the progress so far








The track is going to be a mixture of flat bottom for the lines and bullhead for the points. Two reasons for this, one i had already bought the flat bottom and secondly i found out that there are no chairs in the easitrack system for flat bottom.


As for how it turns out, i will just have to wait and see.


Just before i finish i would like to say a big thank you for Captian K for having the layout as it is and also to the many people who should an intreast at Taunton.

If any one took any pics of the layout could you please pm me with a copy of them please (if thats ok?? ) as i didnt take that many whilst there.


If you have any questions or comments please let me know and i will do my best to answer them.



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  • RMweb Gold

I shall be interested to see how you get on with those points. I visited an 0 gauge layout with a D15 point driven by two point motors something rarely seen but quite prototypical.


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Hi Simon,


Just come across your blog and would like to see a wider view of your layout? as I was thinking something similar.


P.S just seen you have no pics! oops :)



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So far soo good :)


Could you post some pictures of the whole layout so I can put it into perspecitve please?


Missy :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the comments guys and girls,


I have now added a couple of pictures to the next entry so you can see what it is looking like.




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