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A couple of photos showing some weekend progress, mainly on the backscene:








Perhaps not the tidiest woodwork you will see, but in my defence I only had a limited offcut of rrecycled flexiply! B)


I also painted the frame and back, although I didn't photograph that. My attempt at creating St Pancras blue went a little awry - ah well!


Finally, here is a collage of the whole board after filling in with sculptamold:







Recommended Comments

WOW Chris!


That makes the layout look 100% better! The backscene really does frame the layout now.What are your plans for the backscene? Are you going to use photos or go for painting, or something else? It was something that I put lots of thought into for my layout. The height looks really good too.


Love the snow scene too!


Missy :yes:

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Hi Missy. no snow for me thanks!

I'll be lucky to keep things moving withour the risk of hairspray all over the track. I think Mark has nailed that one!


I have given the backboards a washed out sky effect which I am planning on keeping.

This area, if you don't know it, is gently undulating mainly pastoral land, so the sky can be quite expansive. The land gradually rises from west to east - even the tunnel "hill" is quite low.


Once trees etc are added, I am hoping it will look ok. I think it would be difficult to use a photo anyway, because the environment has changed dramatically since the station was flattened in the 1980's; and I don't really like painted hills etc on backscenes.


Next up is to paint the sculptamould, scatter it and then risk a zap by getting out my Heath-Robinson static device! Having already received a jolt I am going to be a little less gung-ho next time!! :O




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  • RMweb Gold

The ply backscene definately sets it off. I am none to sure about photos they can draw the eye away from the modelled bits so I think trees with a sky background will frame the modelled scene nicely.


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Hi Don.

I will need however to disguise all those joins surrepticiously, through the odd tall tree or something!

What I'm a little uncertain about is whether to do the traditional brown paint - I never really got the point when one tends to cover the whole in greenish scatter. Wouldn't green be more logical?

Also, I am wondering if it is pssible to bleach out the green dyes in the static grass fibres? I am going for late summer, so I need that washed out look as a general feel to the grass areas.



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