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Thompson O4/8



The many uses of a Bachmann O4 2-8-0...... In this instance, a Thompson rebuild to class O4/8




Going back to when Bachmann announced their O4, I wondered how long it would be before we would either see an offering made by Bachmann themselves or indeed an enterprising modeller in the form of one or other of the rebuilt versions. The latter appeared in the form of Graeme King over on LNER forum, both http://www.lner.info...t2443s375.html and http://www.lner.info...-t2141s45.html. Scroll down to see the relevant posts of course.


Not so long ago, a chance discussion was had between myself and Tom Foster about whether it would be worth doing and I somehow agreed - I try not to turn work down these days. Inspired by Graeme's thread and being in the possession of the remains of a B1 (the chassis had long self-destructed), I set to work - the O4 was provided for the work, of course! Graeme supplied me with resin castings for the replacement dome and rear sandboxes too, which do make a difference. The chimney is an Alan Gibson J39 lost-wax brass casting, which is just that bit taller than the original B1 version. The main handrail is 0.45mm brass wire fitted through Gibson long handrail knobs. A large slug of lead in the boiler makes the model tip the scales at 325g. Capable of hauling almost anything sensible I care to throw at it.


The following pair of images show the finished model prior to glazing and light weathering.






Now, here's something I hadn't realised was wrong with the Bachmann reversing rod, which I now see is around 4ft underlength. The scratch-built brass replacement is the correct length and has the lever in the right place at the top of the curve of the main splasher.




I have finished the model as 63653 of Frodingham (36C) shed with my usual combination of HMRS cabside numerals and Modelmaster smokebox numberplate+shedplate.


Cheers for now!

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Wow what a beauty Tim!


I've had a soft spot for the O4/8....really is a mating of Darlington and Gorton locomotive designs...which I love.


What I think is essential with the /8s is the smokebox saddle, it has a somewhat undersize look to hold up that smokebox and boiler when compared to the GCR smokebox and saddle, and in my opinion you have captured that bang on!


Handsome beast, well done! Bring on the filth!

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Thanks guys. This one should look rather like the back cover of "On Great Central Lines". It's dated 1952, which is handy and it's pretty much what I'm looking for.


What still surprises me is that the buffer shanks are still painted black, even on locos painted as late as 1962! (as per the pair in "Steam Works")


I'll say this much, an O4/7 would be interesting to see, but it depends on seeing an O2 from the "Big Two". ;)

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That 04/8 looks a treat. I must admit that as a lad all the 04's looked much of a sameness except for the big boilered 04/7. I have the Isinglass drawing for the 04/7 and keep telling myself I should roll the boiler in readiness for obtaining an 04. I used to roll boilers from 5 thou plastikard around a suitable size of dowling but I'm told 5 thou is no longer available?

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Thankyou Larry! There's definitely something about these machines, even to a confirmed LMR man like myself.


I keep wondering what other versions Bachmann will indeed do, but whatever does come (if at all) will be years off yet. I'd go for it myself! The 8K boiler has uses elsewhere, especially if you want a GCR 4-6-0 or something..... The one that came from this is likely to become a "Jersey Lily", once I've got an Isinglass drawing for one. :)

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I think Graeme also did an O4 to Thompson O1 conversion, which was equally ingenious!


Maybe one day, Graeme will finally write that book explaining how all of his lovely conversions were done.......

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I think Graeme also did an O4 to Thompson O1 conversion, which was equally ingenious!

He certainly did! It is found on both the links in the main entry above. :)


I had thought about it, but the O4/8 won the day ;).

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