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Mind your Manors!



This locomotive is amongst some of the oldest models I own.

It's a Bachmann GWR/BR Manor class synonymous with the Cambrian section of BR Western region.


I was looking round for some quick fix modelling jobs to do over the Chrismas/New year period so decided to do a bit of an upgrade on this....




I had already done some work to it 11 years ago when I bought it new, It's already had new name and number plates and a few other jobs done but, just look at that chimney!

Absolutely terrible, looks nothing like a Manor chimney so out with the razor saw and files!


Off came the chimney to be replaced with this turned brass item.




Whilst I was on with the job I decided that the smoke box door dart had to go as well and that was replaced by a Mainly Trains item, also to go were the buffers to be replaced by some Slaters sprung items.


Just a quick paint job and here it is ready for the road




Just visible between the cab and tender can be seen a metal frame painted in red oxide. This was copied from a photo of the original locomotive at Cemmes Road in the early 60's.


I believe it was to attach the weather sheet from cab to tender to.

Others have argued that it was something to do with OHLE safety. As the Cambrian was never OHLE fitted I stick to my version of its use.


It's unlikely to see any active service on Pen Y Bont, not with that headboard on anyway, but, it will be great on Morfa Bach with a rake of BR Blood & Custard Mk1's.


Just looking around for a few more little jobies!


Cheers for now


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Frank.What make is the lovely turned brass chimney please ?

Hello Rob,

You have got me now, TBH I just don't know what make it is. I got it from a local model shop (Tennants Trains Halesowen) who has boxes and boxes of odds and ends. It was in a box of other chimneys all loose and cost me the Princely sum of 40p!


Sorry I can't be more specific but, next time I go there I'll ask John Tennant if he knows who supplies them.




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That could be any one of a number of makers - the usual suspects of turned brass chimney makers would be Westward or Crownline.

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I believe it is for OHLE I think it was supposed to be the highest saftey point on the tender. They did carry a OHLE warning flash on them. A lot of tenders where fitted with them. Manors did get to Crewe. The uprights for the weather sheets where on either side. Great job on the chimney replacement I cant quite understand how Bachmann got that one so wrong.

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