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"Thompson A2/2 build - 60503 Lord President"

S.A.C Martin


Whilst I wait for the transfers for 62678 The Morpeth to arrive, I have been working on another conversion, this time using a set of Graeme King's superb A2/3 resin castings - you can inquire about their availability here - to create a Thompson A2/2 using the Bachmann Peppercorn A2 as a basis.


So the current progress is as follows, after a day's work:



The original Bachmann valve gear has been carefully remove, and the chassis filed down in the necessary locations to fit the conversion components (seen in the milky white colour). The front bogie has been test fitted using a bit of Pritt Stick to check spacing, and the same goes for the chimney and front extension ring for the smokebox.



The cab comes from a Hornby Railroad A4 Mallard bodyshell, which was going spare after a few wins of spare parts on Ebay. The cab was simply cut straight from the bodyshell, and filed back to fit, whilst the boiler of the Bachmann A2 was modified to fit.


The tender was a surprise win on eBay for £20. It's the super detail Mallard tender from Hornby and is perfect for this conversion. I take my cue from Mick who put up such a splendid "how to" of his A2/2 build here, and on the LNER forum.


The boiler has had a few modifications done, but there's a lot more jobs to do including, but not limited to, removing the washout plugs and replacing with correct shaped ones in the right locations, and removing two boiler bands and installing one to match the original style of the boiler cladding on the A2/2 I am modelling, namely 60503, Lord President.


This locomotive is destined to be in a filthy LNER livery, as it was in 1949 prior to overhaul and repainting in BR Dark Green with the cycling lion emblem. It had been allocated to Leeds Neville Hill for a short time (there were problems with with a few of that shed's Pacifics at the time) and was used on trains into London King's Cross.


My excuse for running 60503 on my layout, is that it was borrowed to work a train into Leeds Central and has been coaled/watered at Copley Hill before working into London to work back to Leeds Neville Hill!


I'm thoroughly enjoying the build thus far, though I know that the simplistic adapation of the Bachmann A2 valve gear using standard Bachmann V2 components won't be as attractive as the etched Comet conversions which Graeme and a few others have undertaken on theirs. In my defense, I'm not as skilled a modeller as they are, and will be happy with something which runs for the moment, until I can learn and build up the necessary skills that will allow me to replace my crude alternative.


I was initially nervous about chopping up a £100+ model but the conversion is going together so nicely that I feel much happier at having a go myself. So much so that I am certain an A2/3 conversion and an A1/1, again using Graeme's superb castings, will follow later this year.


60503 is my project for February and destined to run at a friend's church fair on his small end to end later this year, so I'd best get cracking when I find the time after work this month.


Until next time!


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Thanks Mick and Will :)


The valve gear isn't as simple as just bolting it on, but I managed to get one side working yesterday so am hoping when I start work on it again - probably Friday - i can have both sides working before finishing off the body modifications.

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Good luck, the loco is coming on well. I enjoy reading these modelling threads as they are full of inspiration. That said, I keep putting off the task you are undertaking in case Bachmann announce a Thompson Pacific. Complete Cowardice on my part.....!

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another A2/2... splendid! Having followed the previous threads, this blog entry might just give me some ideas for a future project myslef; although i can't help think that someone ought to do a BR dark green one some day. Very good... good luck.. and I'll be following with interest.


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I don't put any stock in the star rating for blog entries myself, but someone has clearly put this entry down as a 1 star after the first vote was a 5 star (hence the 3 star rating now).


I don't think I've ever marked anyone less than 5 on here for the blogs as its all of use and interest to someone. Ah well, c'est la vie.


Thanks for the "likes" chaps and votes of confidence - which is all that really matters anyway, aside from enjoying my modelling, of course!


Hopefully when the model is finished it'll be a decent representation of its prototype. I've already spotted a few things I need to add to the above list - the elongated superheater header 60503 had in 1949 as one example of a detail difference you wouldn't look for unless it was pointed out to you (and I'm very glad it was pointed out to me!) and the lower boiler handrail on the firebox.

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I don't put any stock in the star rating for blog entries myself, but someone has clearly put this entry down as a 1 star after the first vote was a 5 star (hence the 3 star rating now). I don't think I've ever marked anyone less than 5 on here for the blogs as its all of use and interest to someone. Ah well, c'est la vie.

Really sorry, given that I think there was a vote up there before, I'd intended to vote 5* too, so I can only assume it didn;t take properly, or something slipped. re-addressed now I hope.


I suppose as with all types, the closer you look, the more differences you spot. Should be a nice one to watch this!

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Very few people seem to use the stars. Even when there's a large number of views and a good number of comments, there always seems to be less than a handful of star votes. The 'Like this' responses seem to me to be far more indicative of peoples views on an entry. That said, it does look like someone has gone through the first page of blogs this afternoon and voted down anything with a reasonable number of stars.




ps. looks like a couple of us have managed to get one star back for you :scratchhead:

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There is something odd about those stars. Just now I gave it 5 stars, and on closing it was showing 5 stars (good). Nick, you implied you gave it some good stars... and now it shows 4 stars. I'm just plain confused now. I think the "like" option may be a better option, as you suggest.

Note... I like this blog entry!

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Thanks chaps - no worries Jon! Just had a look through some other blogs - most peculiar, a similar thing with the stars everywhere. Possibly a malfunction?


My mother always said, never assume...!!!

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The quote oft used in our world: "to assume is to make an ass of u and me".

I prefer "presume"... they can't manipulate that.

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I quite like the first - reminds me of the watch in Much Ado About Nothing:


"But masters, remember that I am an ass. Though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass".



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