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3D bridge printing and brass chimneys...

Will J


With snow falling outside the modelling indoors continues in whichever corners of the house are nearest to a radiator.


In my last post, http://www.rmweb.co....re-forestation/ the one thing in the bridge diorama that is looking a bit shabby, and letting the side down is the bridge itself (herself?). This is soon to change, the twisted concoction of MDF, cardboard and cocktail sticks is to get a new face, printed from a Google sketchup design, with all the nuts, bolts and embossed lettering that appear on the real thing.


Work has begun:





With all of this layout progress, I have been spurred on to reawaken a project not seen since a previous incarnation of RMWeb, the 15XX pannier project, with Dapol Ivatt 2-6-2 chassis and butchered Farish bodyshell ingredients. The real thing (1501) is being put back together at Bridgnorth and hopefully will be seen over the real Victoria Bridge soon, better get the model ready in its honour!


Some brass embellishments ('N Brass' GWR mixed traffic bits)






And on track, this picture shows quite effectively the degree of 'stuck-up-ness' possible with the static grass balloon method mentioned last time.



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Cheers! It is far from a finescale rendition of the real thing, but captures the stance of the beast pretty well. I'm guessing that it will be outshopped from Bridgnorth works in plain black, but there are some interesting variations, NCB, lined mixed traffic black...

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Hi Will

the 1500 really captures the 'chunky' look. Also looking forward to seeing the 'new bridge' - must be a lady, getting all dressed up!





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