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Bristol Barrow Road - Hitting the Buffers - Part 2



Having formed and soldered up the two main support structures




the main beam was formed from two pieces of rail each 30mm long. There is a narrow gap between the two rails so I used a short length of 0.2mm nickel silver strip as a temporary spacer during soldering. I also used two additional pieces to join the rails together.


I have since modified this by using a couple of pieces of thin double sided pcb to make the beam insulated from the trackwork - [ Mark, I have taken note of your sensible suggestion.]


Next I bent 4 pieces of nickel silver strip to form the mounting brackets for the beam and soldered them up.




This is followed by drilling 4 x 0.7mm holes into the brackets and the rail to enable lengths of nickel silver wire to be inserted to form cosmetic bolts.






Similar holes are drilled into the base a track rail attaching the buffer to the track.




The components ready for final assembly....




The completed assembly, with cosmetic bolts inserted through the beam and brackets................



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Very nice result. I must say, your attention to detail with this is somewhat higher than mine - all those bolts, etc! I can see you'll be doing quite a bit of work on the "Puffers" items!

As you know, I used the cast brass Mainly Trains stops for Delph, which gives you two ready made sides, similar to the ones shown in your next to last photo. I found it quite hard to assemble these with the cross beam and get everything in line and square in all planes, despite using some cardboard jigs to try to locate the 3 parts (and the sleepers). How did you manage this?



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Smashing! I'm generally lazy about buffer stops,

and just buy a kit.....

Your result however, shows an attention to detail,

and the sort of stunning result that can be achieved by making your own...

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Very nice result. I must say, your attention to detail with this is somewhat higher than mine - all those bolts, etc! I can see you'll be doing quite a bit of work on the "Puffers" items!

As you know, I used the cast brass Mainly Trains stops for Delph, which gives you two ready made sides, similar to the ones shown in your next to last photo. I found it quite hard to assemble these with the cross beam and get everything in line and square in all planes, despite using some cardboard jigs to try to locate the 3 parts (and the sleepers). How did you manage this?






Thanks again for the two Puffers buffers, they're much appreciated and will save me a bit of work. I will remove the beams and add a pair of pcb pads to insulate the units and add a few bolts.


I too have found it difficult to assemble the cross beam but adopted a belt and braces approach using a number of track gauges on the base track and also any suitable points on the sides. I have taken a photo of this when assembling the PHDesign buffers I made up last week which I will post on the blog shortly.




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