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kyle 2014 scot-free...



Happy Easter all,


Now I have a week off work I am hoping to snuck in a little modelling.


Still need to apply the second coat of paint to the fascia and add some white text which I will try to do this week.


As Phase I draws to a conclusion, my thoughts slowly start to drift to Phase II which is to try and get the layout working again....otherwise its a photo plank and straight onto rolling stock.


This afternoon, I managed to lash up connect my Pictroller and run a few tests...it suddenly dawned on me the layout hasn't been run for almost 5 years :O Make or break time...


I tentatively placed a class 25 (one of my few locos with turned down wheels) and it grunted and moved into the station rather awkwardly...a truly momentous moment given 4 years of neglect from its debut exhibition May 2010 (apart from cosmetic scenery work ;)) and the track hadn't been cleaned :)


At least it meant power was getting there so I dug out an old Peco track rubber (I know I know...) and buffed them rails.


The 25 now worked a lot smoother however there were a few coughs at the turnout in the station...that'll be fettling required then :)


Then followed some quick tests with a Dapol rtr 56 (from Paddock Wood) and the Dapol class 26...both of these are without turned down wheels and an old class 47 with 2mmFS wheels.


Overall, things moved around and surprisingly the Dapol locos made it through the turnouts most times, despite coughing...which was an encouragement to get the wheels turned down.


I took a quick couple of iPhone videos (avoiding the turnouts of course)...only short grabs but just to give a flavour:




In summary, I think there is potential to get it running again so once I have finished the tidying up of the fascia this week I will start the design of the new fiddle yard which will be a simple 4 track traverser I think. As much as I like cassettes I would like to have a break from them as I have too many painful memories from misaligned joints (I know that this can happen with traversers too) but folding box file layouts mean far too many joints :no:


So hopefully I now have something to build upon...roll on that new Farish Large Logo class 37/4...a couple of those would be nice.


Now...back to those chocolate eggs... :D


EDIT: I should point out that the roof needs to be fixed back down on the station building hence the huge movement joints visible at the eaves...

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete,


It lives! That's not bad at all  after so long time in storage. The backscene is very effective in that last video in particular, looks 3D. I'd be happy to just watch the layout as a static diorama, but the stock and movements really adds to it - there's plenty more potential in there for videos, I think.


How do you find the Pictroller? I need a new one soon and was considering one of these.

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  • RMweb Gold

It lives! That's not bad at all after so long time in storage. The backscene is very effective in that last video in particular, looks 3D. I'd be happy to just watch the layout as a static diorama, but the stock and movements really adds to it - there's plenty more potential in there for videos, I think.How do you find the Pictroller? I need a new one soon and was considering one of these.

Thanks Mikkel - I would really like to try and build up a small fleet of nicely detailed stock to run it with...Gary's Glenuig impressed me as he usually just runs it with three trains and a three track traverser.


Yes, I recommend the Pictroller, kindly tipped off by Jerry (Queensquare) It really is simple and seems to bring the best out of your locos (genuine satisfied customer etc. etc)




Good work....that it runs stil after so long is some Testament to the original build :)

Thanks Mickey - there are a few things like the original central joint which bows upwards which are a bit painful but I probably need to dig out a huge hammer to sort that one ;)

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Definitely time for you to trouble Mr Solloway I think ;)

Nice vids. Always interesting to see what YouTube 'suggests' at the end... I'm not sure how your layout is related to a man with a big jellyfish on his back though :O

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the info on the Pictroller, Pete, it does look like it's exactly what I need. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Definitely time for you to trouble Mr Solloway I think ;)Nice vids. Always interesting to see what YouTube 'suggests' at the end... I'm not sure how your layout is related to a man with a big jellyfish on his back though

Thanks Andy - maybe the jellyfish attack was in the Loch ;)


I do need to dispatch some wheels to GS...trouble is, I got out of the habitat so have to go through all my rolling stock and put them in some kind of priority list...am guessing those Scottish locos now jump rank of the Cornish ones....:)


Thanks for the info on the Pictroller, Pete, it does look like it's exactly what I need.

No problem Mikkel - Malcolm is a very helpful chap too...he even replied to my Easter Sunday email yesterday when I forgot how to connect the wires...

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  • RMweb Premium

well done my stuff seizes up if not   played   used for a couple of days still think its the wrong colour  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

well done my stuff seizes up if not   played   used for a couple of days still think its the wrong colour  :jester:


Thanks Nick...obviously you are referring to the water again...its more a BLUE than green you will find... :P

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  • RMweb Gold

Great stuff Pete. :D


Brilliant to see another posting for Kyle and brilliant news 'It's alive!' ;)


Time to get this great layout up and running again and back in the public domain.





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Excellent work Pete... and a good use of some time off too. I look forward to seeing what you mange by the end of the week ;-)

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Looks great Pete and nice to see it working. I really like your weathering on the 26, very nice! Looking forward to more videos of this one. Good idea about the priority list for turning down the wheels, must start a list myself for my stock.

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  • RMweb Gold
Great stuff Pete. :D Brilliant to see another posting for Kyle and brilliant news 'It's alive!' ;)i Time to get this great layout up and running again and back in the public domain. 
Mark,hiMany thanks for this - have potentially pencilled in a first return in May 2015...and whilst that is over a year away, we know how time flies in the face of a deadline!


Excellent work Pete... and a good use of some time off too. I look forward to seeing what you mange by the end of the week ;-)
Hi Jon,Thanks also - Most of my next moves involve the laser cutting machine at work so not a lot will happen this week...but some sketches are starting to evolve so at least it is being worked on in a virtual sense ;)


Looks great Pete and nice to see it working. I really like your weathering on the 26, very nice! Looking forward to more videos of this one. Good idea about the priority list for turning down the wheels, must start a list myself for my stock.
Hi Jeremy - thanks for this too. What this layout really needs is a grubby class 37/4, lowered to sit right and a couple of Scotrail Mark I's. Sounds like GS is going to be busy :)
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  • RMweb Gold
Looking good Pete, really great to see this back on the scene again!


Thanks Bryn...

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  • RMweb Gold
May 2015. Where?


It's loosely pencilled in for the one day Burgess Hill MRC 2015 exhibition where it debuted 2010 Rich.


Chris, the exhibition manager said they don't usually have repeat layouts but I think it has changed since it first appeared...and its small enough to squeeze in the corner somewhere ;)


I will slowly work towards that deadline and if it works out well I can maybe bring it to a few 2mmFS events...

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Very nice indeed, it all really blends in well - especially the shot of the beautifully weathered wagons on the quayside.


Hear hear for the large logo 37s!


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  • RMweb Gold
Very nice indeed, it all really blends in well - especially the shot of the beautifully weathered wagons on the quayside.


Hear hear for the large logo 37s!


Thanks for this Graham - Yep, LL seems to suit class 37's...come on Bachmann :)

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