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Ivatt 2MT





Last year, in the antediluvian period, I was sent this RTR Finescale Brass Ivatt 2MT for weathering and, well, you know, splish, splash, splosh, Noah, and all that, so it went into storage while we dried out and rebuilt. Fortunately my client is a very patient chap, but here she is, out of storage and is now on the first part of a long journey down under to Oz where she'll work out her life on a little twig of an Essex branchline.




The model came to me painted and lined, but the new owner wanted a Darlington tall & skinny chimney fitted, so I hunted round for drawings but could I find one? not likely. In the end Mark (a.k.a. 46444) kindly sent me his 4mm model with a Comet chimney so I could at least get some base line dimensions. I also looked at drawings of chimneys produced at Darlington for the old NER, just to get a feel of the shape and style they used to produce.




Photos of the members of the class with the t&s chimney weren't particularly helpful as it seems to play tricks on the camera by looking different in each one!

So these, along with my notes and scribbles I sent to my friend John Birch who is a dab-hand at CAD 3D drawing, and after several emails '...a bit more flare, a little less taper...' we were happy. Off the file went to Shapeways, and a little while later the 3D printed result popped through the letterbox, and I think it looks just about right - it certainly plays tricks with my camera, so it's in good company...




It's a shame the range is being wound down - for an RTR loco in the mid-range price it's a cracking model and runs very sweetly. OK, there are compromises between the frames, but if determined they're not insurmountable. A little weathering - as usual I spent more time removing grime than putting it on, followed by my regime of adding highlights and shadows which is a time-thief, but worth the effort in spades and she looks like a working, but cared for engine.



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A lovely job, but for those without the drawing ability etc Laurie Griffin does 3 chimneys for the Ivatt 2MT

All the best


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A lovely job, but for those without the drawing ability etc Laurie Griffin does 3 chimneys for the Ivatt 2MT

All the best



He does indeed. I bought 6-15, the one marked 'tall', but it still didn't match the tall & skinny Darlington one, being too short and much too wide, and really wasn't really that different from the original. I'll see if I can find it and I'll show it against a spare printed one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Really beautiful modelling Adrian.


Captures the look of the class nicely and the chimney looks just right.  Glad to have been of assistance.  Would it be possible to produce these in 4mm scale in light of the non-availability of the Comet white metal versions?


Like you say it's a shame Bachmann stopped making these locos.  A brilliant way of getting a decent sized 7mm loco that can be used in a multitude of settings.


One day perhaps I might treat myself. 


Thanks once again.




PS: MIDAS has a lovely version of one models finished as 46444 believe it or not.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Absolute class as usual, Adrian.

I can't say that I've ever liked these handsome little locos with the Darlington chimney but, ho-hum, the customer is always right!



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Sheer quality, Adrian. What was the surface of the print like? Have you done much filling or smoothing to get it to this state?

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Thanks everyone for your kind comments! :)



Captures the look of the class nicely and the chimney looks just right.  Glad to have been of assistance.  Would it be possible to produce these in 4mm scale in light of the non-availability of the Comet white metal versions?



Yes Mark, I think so. Next time I see John I'll see if the artwork will sustain a straight drop to 4mm, or if there'll need some strengthening in key areas so they're not too fragile.



PS: MIDAS has a lovely version of one models finished as 46444 believe it or not.  


Yes, I've seen it in the Lapston gallery, and very nice it is too, MiDAS!


There's an interesting comment on over on Western Thunder:


My understanding of the 2MT chimney story was that when BR selected the class to be built for other regions than its native LMS an example (46413) was sent to Swindon for testing where it performed unfavourably against a Dean goods that it was supposed to replace. Experiments with draughting were undertaken and a taller narrower chimney was found to markedly increase the locos performance. Darlington had already commenced building them and the first batch at least 46465-46482 were fitted with the new chimney. It was later decided that it marred the engines' aesthetics so a chimney that more closely resembled the original was made with the same internal dimensions as the narrow one



The later replacement chimney may be Laurie Griffin's 'tall' one cat. no. 6-15.



What was the surface of the print like? Have you done much filling or smoothing to get it to this state?


The surface was very good. It's the Shapeways FUD plastic, and the surface is frosted and feels 'etched' if you know what I mean - not glassy smooth, but no ridges, bumps or unsightly stuff. No filling, smoothing required, all I did was give it a wash, a spray with Halfords grey primer and then Halfords satin black on top. I was very pleased with it (understatement!) ;)

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nice work there, a nicely balanced weathering job. I'm intrigued though......... was any progress ever made on re-scaling the chimney down to 4mm? There are limited supplies of the comet version apparently so these are only leaving with their full kits so are unavailable as an individual part at the moment.

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